Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Some times the stupid people VOTE!

What a busy week I've had! I've been busy with the usual kid stuff and also showing a couple of the houses which are unfortunately still vacant. I scared a few prospective tenants off by giving them this complete BS rule sheet that my wacky sister in law (our new property manager) made up. I actually handed it out before I even read it. It said and I'm not making this up, NO SMOKING, NO ALCOHOL,and a whole bunch of other things, some that actually made sense. Kelly and I had a good laugh over it but I cannot believe I actually gave it to people and they didn't even laugh at me. How incredibly tolerant of them. As for the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriages. Does this make sense to anyone? Okay.. Lets amend the constitution to TAKE rights away. What's next? I think that some people are too stupid to be ashamed of themselves. How anti-American! I think we should ban those people from reproducing so that our country does not get any stupider. This is truly a good idea. A constitutional amendment to prevent the procreation of stupidity. Only intelligent people should have the right to reproduce, because only intelligent people are equal. So if anyone else is in favor of a constitutional amendment against stupid people having sex please sign my petition. I'm sorry Kelly you are acting stupid we cannot make love tonight. I do not want to break the law. Well I guess we have to tolerate the stupid people. If God did not love them than they would not exist. Well I guess it's okay if stupid people marry. As long as they only marry each other. I don't want my daughter bringing one home though. Their kids might come out stupid. Maybe just half stupid. Maybe they will look smart. I know what! The stupid people are not allowed to vote. This will solve everything.


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