Time and money...
Doris - at least you have an excuse - you work and are raising kids. I have no life and I still grossly neglect my blogging obligation. Brandy will be amazed that I am actually typing an actual blog, for the second time in one day. I've relied heavily on copying and pasting quotes I like, and the "blog this" button lately. It's not that I don't WANT to blog...It's not that I don't NEED to blog...It's just, well...it's LAZINESS, damn it ... I admit it!!
I see Mishy is lurking around the vicinity. It will be a pleasure to hear from her again!
Okay everyone - Doris brought up the economy in her comment. Another good reason not to vote the Republican ticket this year - the economy MUST improve so Doris can get another line and have access to the computer to blog more!! I think this should be a major campaign issue - Doris's right to blog is being infringed upon and as an American and a blogger, (albeit a lazy one), I won't stand for this!
BTW, Doris, you should "blog this" to the site you mentioned.
Just to keep you all updated on my ever-snoring life, I'm meeting Janelle and Cj and Kenzie in Salina tomorrow to spend 2 days with them. I will no doubt bore ...er, regale you with all the details after my return.
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