Monday, November 15, 2004

Another thing I just don't understand

iWon Money & Investing: "RED-STATE AMERICANS aren't the only people celebrating President Bush's re- election. Investors on Wall Street seem thrilled, too. Stock prices have risen since Bush's re-election - and many of our pundits say there's no reason to think the rally will end soon."

Why should the stock market be happy - In 1929 we had a Republican President and the market died along with the entire US economy.

In 1987 We had a crash that was greater than 1929, though fewer people jumped out of windows and we had a Republican president.

Under the Bush administration we have lost millions of jobs. The stock market went down down down

I realize this is simplistic and that there are far more complicated things at work here but doesn't anyone else see the pattern.

And appointing Rice as Secretary of State - Give me a Break - Its not that I don't think she can handle it or even that I think she is not qualified. As much as it pains me to say this the biggest hinderance to her being a workable Secretary of State at this time in history is the fact that she is a woman. In the middle East they are pissed because we let our female soldiers out of the barracks without veils, and that we let them do terribly controversial things such as drive.

This is a world in which they let little girls burn to death in a school because they didn't have head scarves to cover their heads to leave the building. Just how seriously do you think they are going to take Rice. Is it another case of Bush thumbing his nose at diplomacy? I hope. But what I fear is that it is just a pay off for letting her take a beating at the hearings last year.

Nice to know Shrub is continuing on the same dreadful misguided path. It good to have some things in life be predictable


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