Do they really think most Americans will care and if so why
CBS News | White House: Quran Abuse Isolated | June 5, 2005�08:30:14: "On March 25, a detainee complained to guards that 'urine came through an air vent' and splashed on him and his Quran. A guard admitted he was at fault, but a report released Friday evening offering new details about Quran mishandling incidents did not make clear whether the guard intended the result.
In another confirmed incident, water balloons thrown by prison guards caused an unspecified number of Qurans to get wet, and in a confirmed but ambiguous case, a two-word obscenity was written in English on the inside cover of a Quran. "
Once again this war has taken us to new height of stupidity. We are a country that allows artists to stick crucifices in jars of piss and display it in national museums. we drape flags over the floor of these same museums so people can walk over on them, Face it we are Americans and nothing is sacred. Except maybe money and we even abuse that.
Don't misunderstand I do not believe the prisoners at Gitmo are being held legally, I think the war is the sad happenstance of an incredible stupid and corrupt delusional president and poopulace who put them there, but really are we supposed to care about a little piss and why do we give in to this sort of bullshit.
Bibles and Quoran are both works of relative historical fiction. I believe in God and I will not deny the truth of most of the history available in these books but in the end they have both been corrupted by man. While I know more about the corrupt christian religions than I do Islam. I am sure they both have their share. I do know that both books tell people that killing is wrong. That people should live in peace, and that they are both praying to the same God, and by the way so do the Jews. So I don't really understand what all the fuss is about. But back to pissing on bibles.
How many of you out there have thrown Bibles in the landfill or am I the only one? We did Ebay for a while and the amount of bibles you can get in those auction boxes is impressive and nobody needs that many so yes I did toss them. And while I have never puposely pissed on one I try not to piss on books in general, I have found toilets to be so much cleaner. The fact remains that they are just books created by man they are not extensions of God. They are not in and of themselves holy. Now on the other hand people are actual children of God and created by God and we don't seem to mind pissing on them, killing them them, mutilating them. So as usual I think we have our priorities a wee but backwards.
Last but not least, if I were in a prison camp and the worst thing they were doing is pissing on my bible I would be greatful. Unlike the Iraqi insurgents we are not killing people with car bombs or lopping off the heads of our prisoners because we have not been paid enough. Even our worst stupidities at abu garab were downright polite in comparison because I know I would much rather pose naked for some stupid pictures than be bombed into bits or have my head lopped or my fingernails pulled or chinese water torture or even starvation and sleep deprivation. Overall this is the kindest gentlest most nauseating war I have ever seen. We should have never started it in the first place and Bush certainly should not have been elected but hey we Americans can be stupid too.
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