Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I so hate to try to sleep for if I stop and lay down the time to think just over comes the busy day that keeps the mind at bay. Death is such an awful thing and something no one should have to know and see. For to close my eyes I see her face but not the happy one I long for. Just the sadness and the pain one short year had left her with.BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


Blogger Yang said...

Ape - I wish there was something I could do to help ease your pain, but I know there is nothing. Just know that she is no longer in pain and reread her thoughts about death in that post on this blog Lydia reminded us all of:

From Brandy's blog post of 8/20/2004, "In A New York Minute, Everything Can Change"

Brandy wrote:
"I am a big believer in God and I know that when we die we go onto a better place. Maybe not harps and angels but certainly another plain of existence. One where we understand so much that we can't as we inhabit these weak human forms so easily damaged. I have always thought of hell as a state of being, when you wake up on the other side and know the truth of the pettiness and angers you carried through life, because you lived in fear, of death, of life, of loss. of failure, of love.

To be true to my beliefs, I don't think people should cry at funerals I think they should be joyous feasts for the person who escaped this world, completed their trials and gets to move on to the next adventure."

6:37 AM  

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