Friday, April 02, 2004

Sugar Gliders and Cars

Car is still in the shop this will be its 5th day. Part of the reason we bought this truck was because they were supposed to be so easy to work on unfortunately it is not just Les that can't fix it. My Mechanic has had it for 4 days now and he can't figure out whats wrong either. Typical luck for me. Running fine one day and then poof dead and no one knows why. For everyday it is in the shop I see the money ticker going around kind of like the deficit watch luckily it shouldn't be that much.

Bought my babies (Sugar Gliders) new toys and treats. Finally broke down and bought them some meal worms and crickets (can you say Yuck) Ruby and Riley think Meal Worms are Da Bomb and they will jump from across the room to get one. Also bought them a new toy called the wheel of terror . They don't seem to be too terror stricken yet and I haven't really seen them play with it mostly because they are up all night while I sleep and If I get up to pee and go check on them they jump to the cage door wanting to come out and play instead of just playing so I can watch. I try to sneak around but they have much better night vision than me. Also bought them yogurt drops woke them up yesterday afternoon to try some of their goodies. Tried to give them each a yogurt drop Ruby let the first one slide by into her pouch but Riley caught his and started munching then Ruby who is much bigger stuck her mouth in his and bit the drop in half and took what she wanted. After they ate both they spent a long time licking eachothers mouth, hand etc. Making sure they had gotten every last drop. So I am thinking they probably like them.

Must go exercise now and then go to work. 1st of the month is always hell as all of our payments are due on the first which means some 300 people walk through the door. But it does make the rest of the month mellower. Bosses sent us chocolate and a beautiful Easter lily. Would have rather had cash but the Lily is Beautiful and I need more plants, plus it smells great. The chocolate is evil because I am still dieting but my daughter seems to like it. At 8 months preggers she figures she is fat anyway.


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