El Cheapo
Only took fifteen minutes to get myself and a couple of kids ready for church. This is a proud accomplishment for me. Of course I did not get to shower but since I am as Kelly puts it , so Lazy Lazy Lazy I do not perspire much. Ordinarily when I wake up so late I skip the church thing but I thought that I'd try something different. I wore one of the two pairs of jeans that I own that actually fit me and a blouse that is older than most of my children. I felt very comfortable. On the way to our car Kelly eyes the lovely, kind, impeccably dressed Katie Owens wearing some of her many designer rags and comments on her ultra cool clothing. Instead of agreeing and complementing her attire as I always do I said something ugly. I told Kelly that I would dress that way too if I had an endless amount of money to spend on clothing. I don't know why I said that exactly. Could be I was jealous. Maybe despite the fact that I was exiting the house of the Lord I was holding some resentment towards Kelly for being so cheap. I do not consider myself a very materialistic person but it may be that I am more materialistic than I realize. If you don't want to read a
typical whiny Lydia rant read no further. For the passed few weeks the battery on my truck had been dying on a regular basis. Because I am so by my own admission chronically inattentive Kelly assumes I'm leaving the lights on a door open or something like that. After the second time my car died while my father was here Dad decided that there was probably something amiss with my vehicle. Turns out that when the non professional repair dude that my dearest one entrusted my truck to in hope of saving $$ rigged my AC to work without actually repairing it, he did something that left my battery engaged and permanently killed the battery. (making no apologies for major gramatical errors) Got a new one for free at Walmart but was generally annoyed by the inconvenience. I asked Kelly not to bring my truck back to the economical screwer upper repair person but he did anyway and that bugged me. My Dad kept complaining about my truck, no door handles, no AC, truck kept dying, have to slam doors to make them close, drives bad. Saying I deserved a new car blah, blah,blah. Of course I was defensive of my husband and at the same time was thinking that I really would like some door handles. I was hoping that it would bother my Dad enough to buy me a new car, I would not have refused. Apparently it only bothered him enough to complain about it. I now realize that this has nothing to do with stylish women and my husbands love of well dressed gals. Maybe I'm just sore that he got to shower and I didn't. Yesterday Kelly left my back truck door ajar which is easy to do because you have to slam them to get them to close and now my car is full of water due to the thinking about building an ark rains we've been having. Instead of griping about it I decided to mess with his head. I told him that the seal on the back door must be bad because I know that he is so careful and attentive that he definately closed the door. He didn't bother to get the wet vac out. Doesn't care apparently, guess I'll try to fix it when I get it back from the inept repair dude. So B if you want to set up a pay pal button I'll be using the funds for a different mode of transport. Not a new one, just one that has door handles, an AC (it's hot here in Texas) and can reliably transport four kids, myself and a dog (actual dog, not referring to cheap husband as dog). I really should not refer to Kelly as cheap because honestly he is not. He is actually quite generous. I should be pretty ecstatic because I am finally getting a new appliance. We are giving our leaky gross rusty refrigerator to our new tenants and I am having a new one delivered tomorrow. This is pretty exciting in our household. I am such a spoiled child. I have so much and yet I insist upon complaining about the most trivial of matters.
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