Lydia quit apologizing - You Deserve Door Handles
We've taken a vote and Kelly loses. You have a right to be upset so be so. Tell Kelly to get the damn things fixed or you will take it to the dealer and have it done there, for far more than he could do it for.
Lydia's latest blog is sad. I have noticed she starts out strong and with the proper attitude. Then she ends up wimpy, sounding like an apologizing martyr.
dragonez: Yes I have noticed that too
dragonez: I was thinking of a new no apologizing rule, we shouldn't have to ratiionalize our men on this blog or add to our own self delusion for their benefit. I have already told les that if he reads it and doesn't like something, Oh well. So of course he read it all from beginning to end probably won't ever look at it again now.
dragonez: Was also thinking we could make up fake police letterhead and send Kelly a Bill for the last time they had to let her out of the car because there are no handles. She could use the money to go buy some door handles or we could just make it a warning letter for failing to keep his car in proper working order. The door handles with 4 kids really are a safety issue
faeriequeene2000: i can't imagine any man letting his wife and 4 kids ride in something with no handles and no a/c in texas.
dragonez: I have no prob with the no ac but the door handles are kind of a needed item
dragonez: Besides he has new truck
faeriequeene2000: i have a problem with both. stuck in a truck and can't get out, kids with you, in the texas heat. sounds like a recipe for murder/suicide to me. somehow i knew you were going to tell me he had a new truck.
Well thats our thoughts on the situation. You are not being petty or whiney and you have good reason to be pissed so go get em tiger.
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