Some times the stupid people get to be in charge!
Lindy decided that she was going to make me breakfast this morning. I asked her what she was going to make me and she asked me what I wanted. I told her that I would really like some waffles. She said that she could make me waffles if I showed her how. So I did. Boy this kid is even messier than me, I love her. Then she gave me my mothers day gift which was a plastic plate that had one of her original drawings reproduced on it. I told her that it was really great and it is! She drew flowers, grass, clouds, a sun, a big heart and it says I love you. I want to hang it on the wall but Lindy would prefer that it be functional art. I ate my waffles on it. I thanked Blaze again for the plant he gave me on Friday. He said, "Happy Mother's Day, I don't know what kind of plant this is I know you are going to ask me that, all I know is that it I grew it in a milk carton." I guess he's got me figured out. Lindy told me that she wishes that Dad was here because he would give her money to take me to a spa and to go shopping. I told her that she could let me have some privacy while I took a bath and that would be even better than a spa. Apparently she wasn't going to buy that one. Lindy invited me to her own private spa where she rubbed every cruelty free foot product known to man onto my tootsies. I am a compulsive buyer of foot care products. If they are on sale, I will but them. Doesn't matter if I use them or not. Lindy had plenty of stuff to play around with. She even blew up the inflatable bath pillow(never actually used before) and put it under my head. Which was down right cool. The relaxation lasted a matter of minutes before the Ranger man wanted his milk. I laid in bed with my wet hair and nursed him to sleep. Lindy noticed that I was also falling asleep and offered to watch the boys while I slept. Sounded good to me. I took a snooze for about 30 minutes and when I awoke every one was still alive. Lindy then announced that she was going to be the mother today to give me the day off. The boys didn't really listen to Lindy but she wasn't doing much worse than me. At one point Lindy was singing a silly song that she made up about Blaze. Blaze asked if, "I could make Lindy not in charge anymore because she's acting stupid." I said,"No this will be good practice for"(I was about to say something witty). Blaze interrupted and said,"For when I grow up because some times the stupid people get to be in charge!" Happy Mom's day every body.
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