Tuesday, June 29, 2004

A Googling We Go

Every once in a while when a person gets really really bored they go googling. Googleing is when you put your name in the google search engine and see just how popoular you are. Being really bored I did this for our blog.
When you Put in just Wisdom of the Ages you get 928,000 entries under google. No I am not going to list them all but I have put in a few that are reasonably interesting. Needless to say our blog is not in the top 20. For that matter I haven't found it yet at all.

However if you put in Wisdom of the Ages, Women We are number 1,

These three are places with wise quotes and on some you can add your own.

#4 On Google
Wisdom of the Ages

Educatinal Wisdom of the ages



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