Thursday, September 09, 2004

Hell week is overrrrrrrrr

You have all probably noticed that I have written nothing in the last week except for finishing up Jordon and putting more pictures of Emily. Its not that those blogs are more important (well maybe emily's is) but I wanted to get Jordon done so I could at least cross one item off the list. That long list that runs in my head like the dry cleaning carousel, round and round and round it goes, when it stops is when I'll go.

Last week was the first week of the month and the time when all our storage payments come due. Having 300 people pay you at the same time does have its advantages, But boredom is not one of them. It does however free up the rest of the month for other work which is nice.

Tuesday was an auction day and I was doing my best drowned rat impression in the rain which was fun. I look at auctions differently now that I run the storage unit. Storage auctions used to be a great way to make a quick buck. Now I know the people behind the units and that can be sad. I would prefer not to sell anyone's belonging but that is not possible and I do tell everybody the rules when they come in.

I think, in some strange way it can be a relief. Losing all your stuff would be hard but at the same time I would imagine it can be freeing. We routinely pack up our lives into boxes, giving each item meaning by choosing to keep it, to pay to keep it. I am as guilty as the rest of the world about saving things, as the many boxes in the garage and attic can attest to. Stuff wrapped up carefully and not seen again for months or years. Boxes that when opened sometimes make us wonder why we thought they were important in the first place.

Our things shape who we are supposed to be, the image we present to the world, even if this is not who we really are or want to be. "Things" make it harder to change, easier to accept the status quo. We carry around the baggage of our lives, The old toys, pictures of first loves, reasons for staying, reasons for hating all tucked away in a garage where they can be safely ignored yet used as an anchor to keep from changing our lives. On the other hand I think stuff sometimes saves relationships. I know the times I have considered leaving and just walking away were usually brought to a halt by the mere thought of having to go through the stuff and decide what to take with me.

Can pictures in a box I have not opened in a decade truly be as important as the memories I carry in my heart. Losing the boxes of stuff would not be the same as taking away the memories. As People we need to learn to connect more with eachother and less with our things.

The camping trip sounds like a great time. Wish I had been there. I mananged to get Les to go camping once for my birthday present well over a decade ago. His opinion is that if it doesn't have hot showers, toilets and soft beds why would anyone want to be there. He was truly not exposed to near enough animals or nature when he was growing up. I see a beautiful field of flowers and he sees bugs waiting to dine on him. I see a soft furry warm cat to keep my toes warm at night and he sees flea infested furrball. Definately an irreconcilable difference.

I have the same problem with my socoal skills Lydia. People just take themselves to seriously. Often, Ok, most always, I walk away from social experiences wondering why I opened my mouth. What did Kelly think of the Mural????

Dona is leaving me for 3 days and I know not why, she didn't even tell us where she was going on the blog. I will miss her.

Melisa are you still alive out there


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