Passing on another Political Email - This one Dona Sent me
I have one request for all of the conservative Christians who voted for Bush:
When you go to bed tonight, pick up your Bible and turn to the gospels, read anything that Jesus says.
Do you agree with it?
Let me know if there is anything he says that sound Republican. The really ironic thing is that what Jesus says is in direct contradiction with almost everything this administration preaches.
Did Jesus associate with?
A. Rich
B. Poor
Did Jesus say?
A. To enter the kingdom of God, sell all you have, give it to the poor and follow me.
B. God helps those who help themselves.
Who did Jesus turn his wrath at the temple on?
A. Those who made money claiming to be on God's side?
B. Welfare mothers.
When Jesus said that it is harder for a rich man to get into heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, did he?
A. Mean it
B. Not mean it
When Jesus said that the love of money is the root of all evil, who does that apply to?
A. Very rich people who don't want to pay taxes which might go to mothers on welfare .
B. Welfare mothers
When Jesus said "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth" who did he mean?
A. The meek
B. The powerful
When Jesus said that the large amount of money given to the church by a rich man did not compare to the two cents given by a poor widow, did Jesus?
A. Mean it
B. Not mean it
When Jesus said "Turn the other cheek", did he?
A. Mean it.
B. Not mean it.
When Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers", who was he referring to?
A. An administration that went to war, destroying as many as 100,00 of God's children, for no real reason.
B. Peacemakers
Hey, tell me, do you think that Jesus really would support supply side economics, cutting help to the poor, and promoting the really rich and powerful?
I could go on for hours, all you need to do is read what Jesus says and not what this administration says that Jesus says.
Go ahead; read your Bible, Jesus will surprise you.
I want to put my hands around the collective neck of these so-called Americans and shake it, while shouting " what the hell is wong with you !!??
Weren't you paying attention to the fact that this man (Bush) has lied to you over and over again??
Haven't you noticed that his "Clean Air Act" is gutting our environmental laws in favor of his big business buddies?
Does the name "Enron" mean nothing to you?
Do you even know what a civil right is?
I propose we amend our Constitution to forbid born-again Christians from voting. After all, he reasons, their kingdom is in heaven, isn't it?
Some feel that Bush should clean up his own mess. Nothing ideological, not fear, just the firm wish that we could put Bush in an unarmored Hummer with a machine gun and Cheney as his driver and Rumsfeld just along for the ride and send them out on patrol in Baghdad "with God on their side".
You see, spin doesn't work on us. Once the first bullet goes by or the first rocket explodes nearby and you realize you have automatically shit your pants, your weltenschaung is forever changed. When you have to zip up your first body bag full of raw meat, you are never the same.
Domino Theory My Ass.
Weapons of Mass Destruction Bullshit.
War is death, brutality, horror and raw fucking FEAR...not political neoconservative theories. Its women and children being burned as collateral damage...oops.
One of my fellow computer geeks at work was going on about how Bush was right to go in and put a stop to Saddam's rape rooms, Yada,yada...with my voice shaking from redhot anger, I said to him:
"When your 19 year old son and 21 year old daughter join the military and serve in Iraq and maybe come back brain-damaged or worse, you come back and tell me that it was worth it. Until then, shut the fuck up!"
So for all of you who are in despair over Bush's victory, and for all of you who are elated over Bush's victory...hang on a while. The ride has just begun.
America's sons and daughters are again positioned in the middle of a civil war in a foreign land for whatever fucking "worthwhile" theory.
Watch public opinion change about Bush as the body bags begin to massively arrive home. When the red becomes personal family blood red, that is when a person who has voted out of "fear of terrorism" is going to reevaluate.
The "moral shock value" of a couple of lesbians in wedding dresses kissing is going to absolutely disappear when a family in one of the "red or blue states" watches their soldier daughter or son get their heads sawed off on an internet video.
Life is a harsh master and it always teaches us what we need to learn...Not what we want to learn or think we already know.
So as to the great Bush victory, "America has spoken"..."Mission Accomplished" and all the rest of his right wing REMF talk...stay tuned in, folks. We now have 150,000 troops and counting in the middle of 3 billion Muslims. Voluntary enlistments are down, national guard reenlistments are down, Current enlistees are locked in, the draft word is again being whispered. Damn, I've been here before in the 60's with "god-fearing Nixon".
For you evangelicals who know from the Bible that Armagedeon is coming, I say to you, "yes, my brothers and sisters. Hell is on the horizon. And we Americans are going to learn a hard lesson again about following any arrogant man who thinks the voice he hears is the whisper of God."
I have to be fair and give credit where credit is due. This wasn't an email, but actually something I copied and pasted off the Bill Maher message board. I would give credit to the actual person who said it, but all I know is his/her user name. It was another of those Nov. 3rd a.m. gut reaction things.
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