Monday, November 01, 2004

Prognosticators one and all

Who do you think will win the presidential election?
Who are you going to Vote for?
Will we have a clear winner on Tuesday night?

I asked April my daughter who voted in her first presidential election this year and I have to agree with her response.

We both voted for Kerry, And we think that if we know who won on Wednesday morning it will be Kerry but if it takes weeks to decide it will most likely be Bush, who will once again have stolen the election.

That said I hope Kerry wins. I voted for him for two simple reasons. #1 I want healthcare, haven't had insurance for years, my company doesn't offer it and I can't afford with what they pay me. I think there are far worse things we can do for our children that give them the gift of good health for them and their parents. And yes raise my taxes if thats what it takes. And #2 I honestly believe if we are going to put someone in charge of a war they should know what it is like to be shot at. In other words they should have some personal experience with war and Bush only has personal experience in avoiding it. This is not to say there aren't hundreds of other reasons I hate Bush but these two were my deciding factor. Okay I lied, there is a 3rd major reason, I am fond of the constitution and the Bush/Cheney team has done nothing but attempt to destroy our rights since they took office. In other words they suck and should lose.

Whether or not you agree means nothing just get out and vote. It is your duty and your right.


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