Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Wholesome Wear Introduction

WholesomeWear Introduction I suppose there is a Christian market for this somewhere but I sure feel sorry for the kids forced to wear them. Wouldn't it be easier just to gouge out the eyes of men and go naked. I am certain it would be more comfortable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to respectfully comment on your apparent disgust for Wholesomewear swimsuits. I am a seventeen-year-old Christian (NOT homeschooled, my parents are not Christian, I am NOT forced into anything!) and I choose to dress modestly. I have to say, Wholesomewear suits are the most beautiful suits I've seen that are modest. I believe that nakedness starts at the thigh and ends at the shoulder, and these suits are the only answer to that. Please don't knock modesty!

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah for anonymous!

I'd rather look ridiculous to some than be ogled. Next time you go to the beach, observe that men have no shame in doing so, either.

12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with being modest, however, the Wholesomewear suits are quite ugly. Not to mention all the extra fabric looks dangerous for swimming in deep moving water! For girls concerned about modesty, wear a once piece suit with shorts, or a t - shirt and shorts - neither of which are ugly, and aren't dangerous to swim in.

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've gone swimming in a one piece with T-shirt, and gone swimming in the "Wholesome Wear" suit, and much prefer the later. Because they use very light weight, non absorbent swimsuit and other material, it's not a problem at all! My daughter who is 9 also loves their suits.

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I really thought that we had spent about 2,000 American lives (12,000 if you include non-fatal casualties) trying to stamp out exactly this kind of puritanical BS oversees. Modesty is not a virtue it's a surrending. Enjoy your own private Handmaiden's Tale, but don't try to rationalize it, especially with myths about how all men are essentially sexual predators.

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate the way this word "modesty" has been taken way out of context. The proper meaning of the word is the opposite of extravagant. (Nudists can hardly be accused of extravagance, since their swimsuits are free!) What is mistakenly called "modesty" in this sense is actually gymnophobia, fear of nudity.

12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I myself prefer and agree to being modest. I feel that if you wear any clothing that is revealing to your breast or personal areas it will cause much attention to be drawn to you and cause sexual comments to be made to a person.

Yes, everyone should know that men are visual creatures. To wear something that exposes most of your personal parts would cause men and maybe women in some aspects too look and think in ways where their mind shouldn't be unless their married and they can lust after their own wife in the privacy of their own home.

Jut the other day my family and I were driving thru town and there was this business that drives a van around advertising the nudy store with a females butt(excuse me for offending anyone)plastered on the back wearing shorter than daisy duke shorts on and it burned me up for the sake of my children because I feel if they want to do that type of lifestyle do it in private and don't be so unprofessional and tacky and plaster it out in public where innocent children to see and think it's acceptable because it's not in the eyes of Jesus Christ.

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, this is just one more example of how women's rights are backsliding under our current administration. I bet most of the folks who buy this are also holier-than-thou types who blow up abortion clinics.

I thank the Lord everyday for my rights and freedoms to choose--and that includes choosing the beach in a bikini.

As I live in LA--I can assure you these suits have not caught on as beachwear. And I doubt they ever will.

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"nakedness starts at the thigh and ends at the shoulder". Well, that's all relative isn't it? In grandma's time (and modern day Afghanistan) the sight of a well turned ankle was scandalous. Wear whatever you want but, for sun safety (I'm a dermatologist) you should extend the lycra arms to the wrist. Oh, and make the bag part of the suit quick release in case you get caught by riptides.

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Unfortunately, this is just one more example of how women's rights are backsliding" etc...

It is my right as a woman to have freedom of choice just like you. Women in America are free to choose to kill their own unborn babies and free to wear modest swimsuits to the beach. (unashamed) No one is forcing anyone to do anything, so whats the beef? If we truly believe in freedom we don't throw such large stones at those who choose to excercise those freedoms.

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If women want to wear Wholesome Wear swim suits (and endure the derisive stares of everyone else who simply can't believe that anyone would choose to wear something that ugly) that's their prerogative and right. It's also their prerogative and right to wear a Speedo, a string thong, or nothing at all. Men enjoy looking at pretty women regardless of their attire--that's what we do--it's part of our nature. Women choose by their attire and comport whether those stares are of ridicule, humor, appreciation, or lust.

7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever thinks that these so called swim suits are "beautiful and modest and every woman should wear one", you're crazy. The only people stupid enough to go out in public wearing that are puritan wierdos. Sorry that not all women aren't creeper hermits to the minds of men. Get over it that is the REAL world. Those suits are disgusting. As well as all clothing that is so called MODEST. You can show your cleavage without looking like a hooker. It can be classy. The only people that who wear bonnets aprons and pettycoats are stupid, insane women who are scared of men, or whose parents pick their spouses for them. It frightens me that people are still living in fear of men and showing their body. I am sorry, but NAKEDNESS starts with NO CLOTHES ON. Insecurity runs rampid in this country, obviously. I am surprised that the person who wrote nakedness starts at the knee knows how to even work a computer.

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I don't live in the US and about 5% of my country's population goes to church every week, I don't have a clue to what extent extremist religious groups are winning or losing at this time.
But the swimwear is kinda odd. I don'( agree with the whole "slutting yourself up = feminism" but wearing these kinds of clothes isn't equal to modesty eather. The way yoy clothe yourself says nothing about modesty. It says something about your taste in clothes and how you want to be perceived by others. But you can definitely wear a bikini and be modest.
Also, someone said "I'de rather look ridiculous to some than be ogled". Well, if that's your argument, please don't say your modest. You simply don't want to be looked at, which has nothing to do with modesty. You say men are pigs and you don't like them to stare (I don't like it either), so I dress in a way they won't be able to see anything. Well, there goes faminism.
Modesty is the freedom from vanity and conceit. That has nothing to do with how you dress or don't dress. It's a way of thinking and behaving. And also - if children are only dressed in these kinds of things it could be that they implicity learn to be ashamed of their bodies. Which is also not what moedesty is about.

4:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, I realize this blog was written in 2004, but I just came across the WholesomeWear site today (05/09/08). I laughed until I cried, and then continued laughing. Seriously? Are people truly that ashamed of the human body? It's just so terribly saddening. I understand and respect freedom of choice, but to teach young girls (and what about boys and men -- where are their "wholesome" suits?!) that their bodies are sources of evil and "sin" is dispicable.

At least they look hilarious!

8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped swimming in 2 pieces (a knee-length tank dress made of ribbed swimsuit material plus a neck-high speedo underneath) when I just wore the duo out after a decade of beach vacations and waterparks. Now that I have a body that has borne children, aged, widened, sagged, and dimpled, along with unsightly (and painful) varicose veins, I swim in 4 pieces: a bikini bottom, quick-dry capris, a matching tank top, and a colored underwire bra that matches because it's hard to find a supportive bikini top in anything but black or navy. I also have a matching mesh ballcap that I swim in because my pool is in full sun all day. The Wholesome Extended suit is very appealing to me, and I will likely order one after I take my measurements. Furthermore, my daughter has really enjoyed her swim capris and long-sleeved rashguard from Lands' End because she doesn't have to wear as much sunscreen. She even wears a matching little skirt over it sometimes. I have wanted something like that for a long time, but most comparable pieces (Speedo, H20, etc.) are skin-tight and would not be flattering or comfy for me whatsoever. If my son wears calf-length boardshorts and a rashguard turtleneck, nobody would call him a prude or think that he isn't asserting his gender's rights! He's called SMART by other little boys when it's time to reapply yucky sunblock! I have always wanted to make my own Edwardian bathing suit (sans the tights) out of modern, lightweight swimsuit material, but I still can't sew. The Wholesome suit is worth a try, and maybe if I buy a plain one now, demand for them will grow, and I can choose from prettier ones after I outgrow the black one. I don't have a problem with nudity. My kids don't either. We are all part of the Rainbow Family, and my hubby and I are Burners. We are just smart AND modest with our own fair-skinned bodies. I also think a demure costume paired with a racy element can be very sexy--like old-time cabaret. (Victorians were such sex fiends because curiosity drove them to discover what was under all those layers!) I embrace a culture in which every person is free to make his or her own choices, and people with different opionions respect one another. I surround myself with hippies, self-proclaimed Neo-cons, yuppy family, Greenies, wannabe-hipsters, Christians, jews, pagans, Dems, Republicans, Libertarians, Naderites, straight, G/L/Bi, homeschoolers, unschoolers, private and public schoolers--sometimes all at once! You know what you get? A hell of a diverse potluck, and a really good time. I'm respected for my refusal of illicit drugs, but tolerated for imbibing in my favorite brew, and anything you want to do is fine with me. Your choices don't threaten me or scare my children, because I got to them first, and with a good attitude. What would Jesus do? Befriend lawyers and tax collectors because their His family, too. But I'm not Jesus, I'm not always right, and your perspective is just as crucial as my own. If I lead by example, but stimulate their intellect and ability to question, my kids will turn out balanced and equipped with the skills to make their own decisions.

2:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone explain how tirades for/against modest swimwear led to the topic of abortion clinic bombings??? Yet again, people who express conservative views on a topic are automatically associated with violent reactionaries. That illogical leap is unfair, biased, and stereotypical. Individuals who make such assumptions exhibit far greater narrow-mindedness than those they malign. They ignore the truth that opinions on various issues do not come packaged together. People are capable of having a “conservative” viewpoint on one topic and a “liberal” viewpoint on another; people who espouse Christianity are just as likely to reject abortion clinic terrorism. Wearing full coverage swimwear does not threaten our freedoms!!! What does, however, is the widespread, routine, and socially accepted vilification of anyone who expresses a conservative view on anything, and it is nothing short of ideological intimidation on a grand scale.

I am NOT a conservative Christian (I DO wear bikinis); I'm just sick to death of inflammatory rhetoric replacing genuine discussion.

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people are rediculous. America is freedom. I wholeheartedly support those who choose to wear wholesome wear. It may not be my particular taste or choice, but who are any of you to pit against them for their choice. That is what America stands for, the RIGHT to choose. Shame on you for being so judgmental and cruel. Fashion is set by the media and Hollywood..who cares what it looks like.

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I am amazed at the length to which the folks have went to make such personal and self defensive comments against those the wish to wear something that covers them up. How is it that they are afraid of men or sex if they want to be less exposed to Sun or the opposite sex? I agree with the comment from LA that you will not likely see those types of suits on the beach but then again I would not take my kids to the beach on LA. I do not want my kids seeing women of all shapes in not but there bra and underwear. Only a few can really pull off wearing a two-piece well. However I do like the fact that there are alternatives to being sun burned no matter how un-attractive they are. I do like the boy’s rash guard and short option and I wish they had a better option then WW for women but I would wear one if it meant I did not get sunburned and had to spend the rest of my summer inside due to serious burning and peeling.
Thank God for freedom. But do not accuse those that wish to be modest as religious weirdoes. Maybe they are like me and cannot have much exposure to the sun, or maybe they are trying to help protect our society from further moral depravity where everything is about a quick lay, instant gratification, baby mama's, STD and more. Or maybe they are like the Austin Mama that leads by expale of how a family should be while giving a platform for there children to reason, question and grow to be open and diverse while not exposing the childbearing sags, bags and flaws with todays suit that are made for size 00 tween girls.

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person who said that we are fighting a war to stop such puritanism abroad, I'd like to respond by saying that the war is about giving individuals the right to make choices for themselves. If a person feels that they want to dress modestly, that is their right. Personally, I think Wholesome Wear swimsuits are more then what I care to wear, but that is my choice. People who want to dress modestly should have a choice too.

9:01 PM  
Anonymous Angela said...

The most anti-feminist choice a woman can make is to cover up herself in a way that sheilds exactly what makes a woman a woman. Women who choose to be "modest" are ashamed of having a body that is desirable to men. This is anti-feminism to the extreme. I't's not like I'm a nudist, but has it ever dawned on anyone that being naked is NATURAL?! more natural than covering up. When we're born and in our purist state we don't come covered head to toe, no, we're naked. Having a female figure is nothing to be ashamed of. If you were a true "Christian" you would be embracing what god gave you, not hiding it from the world. And I don't mean by dressing innappropriately. And, all you wholesome suiters out there should seriously consider the huge danger factor as mentioned in previous posts.

2:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not wrong to want to keep your PERSONAL stuff PRIVATE. I enjoy the fact that I can go to the beach/pool and not have to think about what's falling out of my suit. It's kind of gross to see "ladies". slipping out here and there. If someone is offended by the lack of skin, then so be it.There are many more reasons to cover yourself, religious belief is a wonderful example. Having had skin cancer is another. I wonder if skin cancer is one of Gods ways to remind all of us, men and women, that we've forgotten some of the rules. these rules were meant for all of His people. Jews Christians,and Muslims,in thes order respectively. So my question to you nay sayers is this: If some of us enjoy not being ogled, what's it to you? You see if Isaid something about your lack of clothing, you'd tell me 'it's none of my business. SO.......WHY DON'T YOU STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS!!!! See it works both ways friend.

1:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor poor POOR girls who wear these.

I wish people would just loosen up and stop being so extreme...

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angela said...
If you were a true "Christian" you would be embracing what god gave you, not hiding it from the world.

If you were a christan you would know their is a diffrence between embracing what god gave you and knowing when you are tempting men to sin. Being modest isnt a step back for women. Its being respectful toward god. Dont patronize women who CHOOSE to wear these. By people taking offense to them arnt they hindering feminism buy mocking their choices?

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm confused as to how people choosing to wear modest clothing contributes to loss of women's rights. Many of the people responding to this seem to have their head squarely on their shoulders and quite able to make their own choices. I don't believe these choices are forced onto them by evil men as some seem to believe. These women are simply stating that this is their belief and their choice, so why is that so insulting to some? Its not as if they're running around telling everyone that they should make the same choices they do. It is their right and their choice to wear what they choose, and if they are comfortable with that then good. If you are not comfortable with what they are wearing, I suggest you don't purchase one for yourself.

12:24 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

JENNIFER, you go girl! You took the words right out of my mouth! It must be the name because my name is also Jennifer. There is absolutely nothing wrong about being modest or sticking to you morals and beliefs. However, there is a difference between being modest and going off the deep end. I don't understand, can someone please tell me what the problem with women wearing pants is?

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this comment is for jennifer! I just recently learned that SOME women of faith (Not All!!) feel that a skirt is feminin and in a part of the bible it says God sees women in that aspect, ( I have not read it yet myself and therefore cant give you great detail!) And Men wear pants, I guess for some people it is respectful to wear what they think God would want, which is women in a feminin outfit such as a just past your knees skirt! - I also heard that there are SOME ppl that belive the pants to draw a Mans eye up the seem towards the womens private area, in other words a skirt hides Detail! and In the bible God says a womens body is a holy temple for her Husband and her husband only ! so this is just another way of being respectful to Gods words as well as showing your dedication of being a ONE women man, to your man. This is all new to me as well but the more I have thought about it the more I wish I had a modest up bringing, I can see how this would have prevented a lot of my sexual abuse, and therefore made me more aware of the power of a womens body. Please feel free to think this suite is "ugly" but clearly Modest dressers arnt trying to be fashionable, nobody said lets his the hollywood runway with this thing, CUS WE DONT CARE, if your that obsessed with your style ( these comments are now targeted to MODESTY haters with cruel Rude comments!) Than great for you ! by all means please spend your money on trying to keep up with fashion, but as ppl above mentioned its a FREE COUNTRY we can wear whatever we want to ! If you dont like it than dont look! As for myself I am going to continue my modest clothing wear ( that has been a recent change for myself) and If you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all ! Pretty soon this country will be divided cause ppl like YOU cant let ppl go about their bussiness, nobody is saying change your opinion so dont try and change ours - as its a losing battle ! no matter how many ppl think its ugly or makes no sense to them - ITS OUT CHOICE DEAL WITH IT, just as we deal with everybody else's ( expcept we deal with it by ignoring it not putting others down for their personal choice!) -

3:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

For your information, did you ever say I had anything against modesty. I think you should check your information before you speek make that twice. If you think I am a modesty hater than you clearly have your information wrong! I never said they had to keep up with "Hollywood". I also, never said there is anything at all wrong with modesty. All I said was not only are the suits extremely ugly (forget about being fashionable), they are also not very practical for there intended purpose. There is absolutly a way to be modest and look nice while doing so. Listen, you really need to check your information and maybe twice. Did you ever here me say anything about these people wearing what they want or about trying to change their opinions? I have no problem with them, their modesty, or what they wear. You are taking this all out of context and getting all bent out of shape for nothing. Great for you if you want to be modest, I am happy for you. However, get this straight for the last and final time, "All I said was I agreed with the poster and the suits were very ugly". And incase I didn't say it there I will say it now they are not very practical for there intended purpose. So, to give correctly inform you I have nothing against modest people, their clothing preferences or anything else. I am also against your personal beliefs or opinions not "MISS FASHION DIVA"! Have a nice day and enjoy wearing whatever you like and makes you happy!

8:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

There is a way to be modest and still look nice. The two are not mutually exclusive. It is true swimming in a t-shirt is clumbersom, and not very comfortable. That is why there are wetsuite type t-shirts and other similiar clothing (ie pants and so forth) made for swimming and beach use.
There is nothing wrong with being a christian or with being modest.

8:36 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Actually this debate is rather rediculus. Why does any of this matter anyways. There are much more important things to worry and debate over. All I said was I feel the suits are very ugly and not practical for their intended purpose. I don't care what people choose to wear, or do with their lives so long as they do not harm me or other. Let them do as they please. As for me, this conversation is over. Take care all.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry what's the bag part of the suite?

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i came across this style swimsuit recently, and while i admit its not very cute looking, i appreciate the fact that its a suit that won't show off my rather large thighs if i were to buy one. im smaller on top and larger on bottom and trying to find a modest swimsuit is impossible. they all go too low in the top for me, and then show too much of my behind on the bottom. i'm 22 and while i am rather interested in fashion, i am careful about how i dress because i know the reaction it can incite, because imyelf have made many mistakes in this area throughout my short life.

for everyone saying they would weigh a swimmer down, i read a blog by another woman who wrote that the outer material (the frock like part) doesnt absorb water, and water flows right through it. i'm curious to try something similar myself because of my deep concern for not intentionally inciting arousal in men other than my husband. when i wear a traditional swimsuit i tend to get comments and stares that i dont appreciate and despite my love for swimming, i refuse to go swimming without my hubby there because it really does get VERY uncomfortable for me. i know i have an amazing body, and im thankful that God gave it to me. i still however can be made uncomfortable by mens catcalls and whistles even when i'm wearing shorts and a tee over my bathingsuit.

so please everyone, realize that its not always for the religiously zealous that items like this can exist. yes i would much prefer the slimming suit, and i also wish there was a cuter print for the under garment that i can get with the black overlay. but i do this because there are so many men out there that make me uncomfortable. if i had my own pool in my own home then yes, i would wear a one piece or maybe even a two piece to go swimming, but i dont. i live in an apartment complex where the pool is right by the leasing office, and where the maintenance guys are always around and peering at people swimming. so for me, something like this would be amazing to own. i wouldnt feel like i had to runback home after only being in the water for five minutes.

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But you don't have to look ugly to look modest. Why on earth are Christians preaching that Wholesesomewear is the only option to bikinis???

For Christian girls who want to look modest and mode, check out Hydrochic. They make tops and shorts made for swimming in. They look hot and don't reveal anything bad.

Oh wait, Christian women HAVE to wear skirts! And look like pioneers.

Hmm..I guess Hydrochic doesn't look Amish enough for them:P

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This going to take us back to the Christian version of Sharia Law.

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're arguing for the freedom to choose what to wear, you should be aware that many, many people are CHOOSING to wear these suits. These things don't come cheap, so I'm sure many women who are wearing these are doing so because they want to. It's up to each individual to decide what to wear. Why should you care and what does it matter anyway?

1:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see the big problem. Think about all the effort women go thru to prepare themselves for bikini season. Crash dieting, working out, not to mention all the waxing and shaving involved. The Wholesome wear suits let you enjoy summer without having to put yourself thru any of that. It also covers cellulite and stretch marks! I wish they would catch on!

1:35 PM  
Blogger What Sandra Says said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

3:22 PM  
Blogger What Sandra Says said...

Don't criticize WholesomeWear. Everyone has the freedom of choice to wear what they want. Some, including myself, just prefer to cover up, and not have people oogle at us for the wrong reasons. I would rather have someone think that my bathing attire is ugly, but modest, than showing all the wrong things. And by the way, the fabric that the inner part is made of is the same kind of fabric as any bathing suit, and the outer shell is made of a water resistent material that doesn't weigh you down when swiming. By chosing to wear WholesomeWear we are making our own decisions. The decision the look modest in the eyes of God, and in the eyes of others, and this is not a step back in the womens right movement.

3:51 PM  

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