Gee that's beginning to sound like a prayer
You are forgiven just don't let it happen again. I feel like a I am beating a dead horse (pun intended of course) to get people to write but then I haven't exactly been prolific with anything but links lately. Work and working on Christmas can't tell you what wonderful things I have been buying because my kids read this thing. Suppose there is no one to blame but myself since I keep giving out the links. I will tell after the big day and you don't have long to wait. Finally convinced my mother that web cams are a good thing. We have had them now for about 7 years and I have suggested previously that I should get her one and she always blew me off, like what did she really need it for and it would be too much hassle. However the instant Miss Emily went in front of it for her internet video Debut suddenly it was very cool. I will drag her into the technological age one way or another and I am willing to shamelessly use her great granddaughter to do it.
Nothing terribly new and exciting to report. Having trouble telling people what I want for Christmas since the only things I need are a new computer and a new couch. My mother is not good at internet shopping. You would have thought she would be a natural. So I opted for Best Buy Cards. I feel torn about the gift card idea on one hand I think they are wonderful because you can buy what you want but on the other they are impersonal and probably too easy. You don't have to think about the persons wants and likes you just get the gift card and go. Must admit they are much cheaper for shipping.
Used to think my parents were kidding when they said they didn't want anything for Christmas but at the old age of 40 I have discovered they weren't lying. The fact is that by this stage in life most people have every thing they need and don't have time to play with the cool stuff anyway.
My favorite gifts over the years have been paint and canvas. I love to paint I am bad at it but I like doing it, so paint is always a good thing. The coolest gift I have ever gotten was a handmade cloak from my mother and yes she actually made it for me. Was one of those rare moments that I felt loved and accepted for who I am and all that my imagination stands for. There have been other fantastic gifts like belly dancing beads and Egyptian collar necklaces from the hubby who complains that I don't wear any jewelry enough and that I lost the diamond earrings, I know they are here somewhere but I have moved twice and there are lots of things I haven't seen in 3 years so they could still be with me. There is also and antique watch that is one of my most cherished possessions. What the hubby and most people don't understand is how much I love to play dress up and how seldom I get too. If the hubby were more into flights of fancy I would gladly play the Egyptian slave in full jewelry and nothing else. Dressing up in the rhinestones and velvet to prance around the house. I used to do this a lot when I was young. Pick out the favorite silky nightgown put up my hair and pretend I was a fine lady or an ancient Egyptian goddess. Mostly I did these things when no one was home because I didn't want people to think I was nuts. (Okay they thought that anyway but they didn't need more ammunition) Luckily I was home alone a lot or unluckily depending on how you think about it. I would dress up in my skimpy finery and leap and dance across the living room floor for hours.
Hubby thinks wearing my cloak all the time is a little strange and he exists in the real world far more than I. He say I live in a bubble world that would asphyxiate most people that try to live there. He is however coming around. Slowly but surely I am dragging him into my insanity. I think deep inside he has always been as looney as me but the world or his father beat it out of him at an early age. Why just the other day he was upset because he didn't get to pour the hot water over the tea bags because he likes to see them bubble. How cool is that. He has no idea how much this admission endears him to me. I am sure Dona would totally understand. When we are old ladies we plan on dressing up and going to town to annoy the natives. I think I will be the dowager Empress this week do you want to be the lady in waiting or the evil queen form the land of Nod. Who knows what we will be or where we will turn up.
For Christmas we are going to buy presents for the forgotten people in town and deliver them on Christmas eve. Wearing our special christmas cloaks and masks so nobody will truly know who we are, though they will probably guess. Maybe we will go to a different town every year. Of course we will have to be quiet about it. In today;s world they would probably arrest us for trying to be nice. As the hubby always says, "No good deed goes unpunished"
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