Maybe they really do love me
Lydia is alive, And hopefully she will finish that post soon so we can hear all of her exciting adventures. Remember to change the date when you are done or it will post as the draft date underneath everything. Even Dona tells me she is blogging this morning. I have been very busy trying to survive the last month between new clutches and Health Insurance we have been pretty strapped for money. Has given us a chance to clear out some of the food we have been avoiding in the pantry for the last year so I guess that is a good thing. Have eaten so much chocolate in the last week it caused my tongue to swell slightly on one side. Don't know why this happens. Does it if I eat too much pineapple too. So I am patiently biding my time until it goes away and then I am sending Les out for more.
Its nice having a husband willing to drive to the store at midnight just so I can have candy. The fact that I was pounding on the table chanting chocolate may have played a part. But he is still sweet.
Emily has her first case of congestion in her chest and of course all the grammys are paranoid. Okay so I am not that paranoid but it does bother me more than my kids being sick ever did. My kids had to be pretty much at deaths door and even then I was sure they would recover when they were little and surprisingly they did.
Emily can now sit up and is starting to move her walker we just bought these last week and we all have carpet so it is more difficult that the old linoleum . And the new walkers don't roll near as easy and not at all on carpet which is strange something about being a safety issue. She was getting bored rolling around on the floor so we just had to buy her something new. She is of course still adorable and there are more pics on her blog all the the time. The most recent being pictures of her turkey riding for Thanksgiving.
Rest of life is running smoothly. We survived the first at the storage lot even though we had an auction yesterday too. Sometimes I really wish I could bid as a Camaro was sold out of here yesterday for a whopping 230.00 and that was with a complete storage unit. Hell I could have made more than that on Ebay with the junk and paid for part of the car restoration. But I can't bid so it doesn't matter and I really didn't want to do Ebay anyway. Besides we already have enough projects we haven't completed.
Twisted Brush has a new updates with 3 new brush palettes. Click on the Pixarra link on the left to go download it. Haven't bought any other new software lately except for Games for Les. I did buy me a new wireless keyboard and mouse and webcam. They should arrive soon.
Have been working feverishly on the remake of The Dragon's Lair Site the last two weeks, everybody should go visit The Dragon's Lair Web Shop and More and tell me what you think. If there are any problems that show up on various browsers etc.. Have also started a new blog "Goodies for Young Dragons. Anyone who wants to be added to this one let me know. It is a collection of sites for kids to go with the new kids page at the Dragon's Lair
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