Friday, February 11, 2005

Oh why am I not surprised

CBS News | FAA Had Pre-9/11 Qaeda Warnings | February 11, 2005�03:10:21: "The report by the Sept. 11 commission detailed 52 such warnings given to FAA leaders from April to Sept. 10, 2001, about the radical Islamic terrorist group and its leader, Osama bin Laden. CBS News Correspondent Bob Orr reports that the heavily redacted report has been held by the Bush Administration since August. "

All those stupid people who voted for Bush just keep getting smacked in the head for with something new that he lied about or withheld every single day. I would laugh if it was my country that was also at stake. Next time people watch all the news don't just go for feel good. Bush is closer to the Hitler than he is to any God


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