Friday, March 11, 2005

next Friday

The judge's teleconference isn't until *next* Friday, which is one of the annoying things about it, so I don't know yet. I considered making Gary sweat by replying to his email that I think the judge is wanting to award me some attorney fees....but, that would probably come back to me later...and I'm not that mean. Besides...I can always hope!

I took the parenting information class last night, that is court mandated and supposed to be attended within 45 days of being served (cough)...I blew it off (for 20 months), as it always happens when I am either teaching or spending time with my kids, but, had to do it to make sure the judge doesn't slap my hands. It was actually very interesting and helpful, and worthwhile, despite the (ouch) $40 bite. Then, today, I happened to be downtown so I filed the paperwork myself, to save the attorney's fees for that. I also looked into refinancing my house, and the guy is talking about consolidating my credit card debt, possibly, into the refi, thereby avoiding bankruptcy...but, still not sure what my options and best choices are, more research to do on that. I feel so pro-active.

Was downtown taking Steffin to a followup neuro-psychological assessment. Very interesting results. The doc said that his ability to express himself, gives people the wrong impression that he is doing better than he actually is, which is exactly what he's been telling me. He has some delays in thinking skills, dexterity, and visual/spatial awareness. This is normal and he is healing wonderfully, but it is a slow process, and the bottom line is, she wouldn't recommend him returning to work or driving yet, which is exactly how he feels about it, not that he doesn't *want* to, but he knows he's not ready. She is giving him some coping skills to deal with the emotional and mental aspects of all this, the depression and anxiety about getting back to health, and zoloft (!) It was nice to have some vindication for him, about how he feels, and how he is doing. She had good ideas on how to help him with meds and some of his other stuff.


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