It rises from the ice and snow to devour the world...
Well, Mish has put us all to blogger shame lately, so I thought I'd better blog before I forgot how. Sounds like your life is progressing nicely, Mish. Have you named the pup yet? When I saw his pic, I immediately thought, "Rufus." Don't ask me why - he just looked like a Rufus to me.
B has been too busy lately with her new duties and I haven't had her to rant, rave, and general bitch to. Yes, I know that's what the blog is for, but that immediate response is sometimes needed. You know - those "You go girl!" or "You're absolutely right - the whole world is full of assholes." Or better yet, I really miss the infamous, "Grow up you big whiney baby and quit thinking the entire universe should revolve around you." Those are my favorites.
This is from January of this year. Obviously Mishy's life is still on the track to Happyville, and I'm sure she's named her puppy by now. Brandy's comments have only grown in support/sarcasm/wisdom/belligerence and I still love them all.
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