Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A Day On The Road To Oz

Today was the day for my weekly trek to Hooterville, Kansas to accomplish any number of things, including grocery shopping, banking, package pick-up at the post office, and sundry other boring, mundane tasks. I always dread this weekly trip. If I could never leave the farm, I'd be a happy camper. The drive there (about 30 minutes), usually consists of me grumbling and complaining to myself, and the drive back is generally a repeat of the same, only while driving at a faster speed, the sooner to arrive home.
While there today, I did a weigh-in to check on my progress (or lack thereof) on the diet I've been on for about two months now. I was tickled to discover that not only had I lost what I had gained back during the visit from the infamous Texans, but a bit more to boot! Sixteen down and ten to fourteen left to go (ten when I'm being realistic, fourteen when I'm dreaming)!! YIPPPEEEE!!! I'm especially pleased with this since I quit smoking after 30 years at the same time I went on the diet. I'm sure if I had not quit smoking too, the weight loss would have been greater and faster, but I'll take the trade off. Slower weight loss and no more cigarettes. (As a side note, I'm positive now that the entire reason I quit after 30 years and totally out of the blue, is because I was being prepared to meet my Ying, who hates cigarette smoke.)
After my weigh in I zipped to the post office to pick up a package I had received notification of. Presents from Ying!!! Four shirts and a DVD. Not only is she the most marvelous creature on the face of the earth, but she spoils me rotten! I do not deserve her, but I'm keeping her anyway. Forever. And more.
So, next time I am being a cranky old broad I'll remember today, which turned out to be a Most Excellent Day for me, when I least expected it!


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