I was driving back from another state, maybe California. Wherever it was it was a long way from home. It was late at night and I felt as if I could not keep my eyes open another, minute. They were stinging, heavy leaden, but I only had an hour to go. The kids were in the back of the Yukon asleep. I blinked and I was a few blocks from home, or at least that's what the street sign said but I did not believe it. It didn't look like home, it looked like Viking Drive in Camarillo but it was suppose to be Honduras street. I pulled into the driveway and heard noises, shuffling sounds in the garage. I banged on the garage door a few times then opened it. Out ran Iris and another cat. I went inside with the kids, there was no furniture in the house. Gwen came in and announced that she was selling a house down the street and that she was also selling the contents in an estate sale. She said there was a table there that she thought that we could use. I left the kids with her and walked down block to the house. I opened the door with keys and went inside, there was a dark wood secretary with carved dragons on it, a small old round wood table and the table that Gwen wanted me to see, which was mod and not my style. I wanted to see the rest of the house so I walked down the hall, I noticed that the floor was being re tiled, with some old Gothic looking tile. There was a pile of dried quickset near the bathroom and that was where the tiling job had ended, abruptly someone decided to abandon the project without even cleaning up the excess quickset. i found it odd. I peeked in the bathroom and that is truly where the nightmare began. There was an old claw foot bathtub and a woman sitting up in it and she had blood on her face. I do not know why but I assumed that this woman was Lindy and all I could think to say was I love you. I walked away and she followed, she was dressed and had no blood on her. I exited the house and as I was leaving I saw scores of Realtors entering the house, I wanted to get it locked before they reached the door. A woman walked passed me into the house, I said."What are you doing" She answered that she was the owner of the house. Gwen followed behind her. I noticed that I was carrying two toys out and I was embarrassed to be caught t aking something from the house. As I walked home, a little ghost girl skipped behind me. She was very happy. As I was about to open the door to my house I asked the woman from the house, "Does God allow this?' To that she answered, God does nothing. Then I asked, "Who makes this happen?" She relied he does, the master. By the master I knew she meant someone who was not good. I instantly knew that this woman was not Lindy and felt afraid. I asked why she had left the other house, she said that I invited her to by telling her that I loved her, that now she could go wherever I did. I went inside and I found my mother there and I told her that something terrible was happening, then my mother turned into a doll. I began to say words to protect myself but the words would not leave my lips, I was petrified. I was unintelligible. The boys were in the back yard and I went outside and found some dolls and I tried to destroy them. Then I felt my back and there was wire coming out of it and I pulled hard and it hurt. It came out and I heard a radio announcer say, reprogram yourself.
I saw a bottle of Chianti, the kind with the wicker or straw wrapped around the bottom. There was a drip candle in it and I just watched it drip. I watched it forever and when the candle would melt down another one would be put in it's place.
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