Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hell from the drafts pile. 6-15-08 Unedited

I've never bothered to imagine what hell would be like. I once heard someone say that hell was seperation from God or simply a lack of an after life. So then my version of hell would have been no life after this one, no heaven, nirvana, or reincarnation. I dreamt of hell last night and it was violent and miserable and the worse than anyone could imagine. I think it was hell, that is what I have labeled it anyway. The dream is fading thankfully and I can't say that nothing good was gained from it because I remembered something after having this dream that I had long forgotten. The dream starts out with myself Kelly and the kids going on a road trip. As we are driving down a mountain highway Lindy notices something like oil or gasoline in the road, I tell Kelly that it is not safe and that we need to stop. We stop somewhere further up the road and tnere are a ton of people there starting fires. There are some men that say that they will help us start our own. They seeemed trustworthy, I had no qualms about following them. The whole family seems to be seperated. I am sitting round the fire with a group of people, one or more of my children could have been there, The fire is getting low and day is breaking. In put my hands in the ashes of the fire and I find uncut jewels. Amethyst crystals and others. I share my find with others and trhey begin to find jewels in the ashes as well. There werethrongs of people there all in different groups, eventually I find my way back to my family and we get in th ecar and continue our journey, we have not arrived in hell just yet. The next thing I remember we are in a metro area of a big city. I see all kinds of characters, prostitutes, gang members, people buying selling all manner of items. It is pandomonium


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