Introducing Dionysys and Food that reminds me of Brandy
Brandy suggested that L was old enough and really should be blogging with us so hopefully we will be hearing from her soon.
Orange Chocolate that she always shared with me.
Leftover pot roast ressurected into chili (which sounded gross because of everything she put in it but I ended up loving it)
Pancakes (and I don't even know why, must be the butter)
Chinese Noodle Soup
Crab puffs which she forced me to try
The yogurt drops that she fed the sugar gliders, I tried to give them some but I was afraid they would bite my hand off.
Of course the quiche that she made and called Dona quiche after our trip, and I said it wasn't Dona quiche because it was made by Brandy.
Smoothies made in th magic bullet
Homemade Icecream
Cookies for auction days (probably just the smell of the cookies, I don't remember eating them)
Cheese Crisps
If you ask me what her favorite food was I wouldn't be able to tell you. I can only say that she loved to share good things with the people that she loved. Dona shared with me an old favorite of hers. Movie popcorn with lots of butter and Peanut M&M's. It was the absolute best. If the next time you see me I weigh 300lbs please try not to notice.
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