Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I asked my father why he does not write anymore and he says that it is because he has recorded all he wishes to. He says that he has written about what has troubled him and he has written about what has brought him joy and that there is just nothing left. I found that extremely saddening and I do not wish that to become the case for me so I resolve to record my lukewarm mediocrity in all it's glory,

  I have a giant sock monkey in my living room for Yang which I have not mustered enough motivation to send. Even after receiving a lovely box of Gifts from her for the Winter Solstice. In fact I could not even summon enough motivation to express my gratitude. The box made my day probably my week and yet I could not bring myself to call my loved one or even to answer an email. I have been feeling quite scroogish this Holiday Season and I am surprised I even got around to putting up a tree. I briefly entertained the notion that I might find some some celebration that excluded a tree but quickly realized that anything else would probably be more elaborate and time consuming.

 People with large extended families may find them bothersome at times but right now I really wish I had even some family besides the one that dwells inside my home. I feel like an orphan here. My daughter has outgrown me and the boys don't particularly care to do anything worthwhile with me outside of the house. My husband is absent half the time, and when he is home he is hunting, shooting and hiding in his office concocting his next real estate project. We have no relationship to speak of, he took his yearly vacation during hunting season without consulting me and even though I arranged some time off to accompany him to the hunting camp I was discouraged from going (being that It was the start of the season and I would be taking up space that an actual hunter might need). I had been told previously that I was always welcome there but I suppose that only applied to the non hunting season. Sigh....
  You can't make people love you, or laugh at your jokes.

  Some pretty horrible stuff has happened here lately but I don't know that it is blog appropriate since it involves someone that is not me and truthfully I am not dying to share even though I probably need to.
  2011 likes it's predecessor 2010 sucked balls. Well not entirely, I have fallen in love with my job well actually with photography in general. I finally bought a decent camera but haven't quite learned how to use it yet. I will share some of my photos eventually.


Blogger Yang said...

I love you. I don't need you to thank me. But send the monkey!

7:10 PM  

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