Sunday, August 14, 2011


College education is such a waste of time when your a homeschool parent. Mike has found a job and already gotten his first paycheck. THANK GOD. BUT its about 500 a month short from coving all our bills all the new house bills and dads stuff. So I have started looking for part time work. Turns out not a lot out there for part time people with a brain. No i dont want to flip burgers or sell stuff at the mall. So far I have applyed for Jenny Criag, Tmobile and best of all Lydia's Job. Yet 365 is opening up at the hospital right down the road from me. work it 8-2 so they say. Dad has said he would watch Emily and by getting off at two I would still have time to cover Emilys school day. I really wish mom was here. She could take care of em and I could get a full time job for a few years and pay down all our bills and restart our savings. But it is what it is. Off to fill out anouther application O joy. LOL


Blogger Ying said...

I love working for Our 365. It's not a lot of hours and you determine your own pay by the quality of your work and sales skills. I am becoming a better photographer every day! I love babies and sharing first moments.

10:45 AM  

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