Saturday, February 09, 2013

My stepfather Gene (used to call him that when I was a kid) left us a little over a month ago. Those of you that know me probably know that he was the man that raised me, he was my Dad. Those of you that don't know me, you really should try to put yourself in my orbit. I'm pretty fantastic, pretty weird but fantastic. It's not as if I'm going to make much of an effort to get to know any one. I'm freaking terrified of people, I do best with pushy overly intimate people. Less effort there, just let them lead the way to the funny farm, just go along for the ride.
  I miss my Dad, and I think I was a lousy daughter. When you escape the insane asylum that was your nursery you don't go running back, even if you love the other patients you just don't do it. Stay tuned people, I'm about to tell the story of my life. I'm not even going to lie so  a lot of it will peobably be incredibly boring. I don't have a great attention to detail so I'll be lucky if I even get a few pages out of me. I could just be threatening. I probably am. Maybe.
Life of Ying the ADD version (with no lies maybe)
 I was born, from the pictures that I've seen I was pretty damn cute.


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