He has risen!
I am still alive, I am saddened at the lack of concern over my absence, but it is understandable that no one would miss my bitching. It may be that I had no complaints and thus nothing to write about or it could be that I was too busy playing with my children and my new cat. I adopted a cat at the humane society and she is exquisitely lovely.She is a black and red calico with some orange tabby markings her name is Iris and she is way cool. Kelly does not know that we have a cat yet because I have not told him. Won't he be surprised! She is purrfect and she gets along with the dog. She loves it when the children play with her. He probably won't be as surprised as I was when Kelly called me to say that he quit his job (which for those of you that don't know is Offshore Oil field Production). Don't ask me what that is exactly because I'm not that clear on it. Gets oil out of the ground, he hates it. Yet he has been doing it for years and he is damn good at it. The money is good, better than anything else around here. So, I don't know what is going to happen in the next few days. I would like for Kelly to come home and do whatever his heart desires. I don't really care, we are both smart and capable. I was hoping to stay home with Ranger and Kelly for at least a couple of years but Kelly is so miserable leaving us for a week at time. We originally decided that we would work toward his coming home in a few years. My husband is hot headed, I wish that he would consult me before making major decisions, I would like the opportunity to support him and not just after the fact. My friend Sarah thinks that because of my age Kelly does not view me as an equal partner in her opinion I am somewhat like a child in his charge. I don't know if I buy that but I wonder about this some times. I am so breaking my diet. Chips and dip and chocolate. I should just get a spoon for this French Onion dip. Yes Brandy I would love to come to the baby shower with the Ranger man. I do not know what to get April, I was thinking a case of diapers and some other assorted things that I know she will need and use even if they aren't very cute or fun. But those pink clothes are awfully tempting. My hands are stained with Easter egg dye, I used the left over dye and tie dyed some shirts for Kelly 2 and Rangy. I feel like eating all of the childrens Easter candy. What the heck does colored eggs have to do with Jesus Christ anyway? That one makes me scratch my head. The resurrection of Christ, the stone was rolled away and chocolate bunnies. A crown of thorns and marshmallow peeps. Cascarones! I used to call them confetti eggs but in South Texas they are cascarones. I have confetti in my hair from the cascarone fight at church this afternoon, mucho fun.
Gifts for April
breast pads
those other kind of pads
Baby gas drops
That thing so her head won't wiggle in the car seat
Alcohol pads (for umbilical cord)
I wonder if she wants my mostly blue baby clothes.
On the subject of moving around, not like you asked or anything. Here are my thoughts. Stable = Good Stagnant = Bad not the same thing. It's good to be near the ones you love. I like this place but it's just a place, I might like it somewhere else better. Other places could be worse. I liked California, I liked Arizona, I liked Germany, no I take that back Germany was Okay. I like Texas even though I haven't really seen anything but this town which is nothing to look at. The beach has it's certain allure but it is so filthy here and the sand is coarse and brown. No soft white or golden beaches of my youth. I would like to find a rock around here that wasn't a chunk of concrete. Need to sleep. Thank you for laying down your life for me dear Lord even though I am vain, trivial, selfish and will never be worthy of you no matter how hard I try. My God is an awesome God! It is a beautiful feeling to know that you are loved unconditionally and constantly. He has risen!
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