Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Howling at the moon in . . .

, so that may be why I never find anything to contribute.
Am picking up the 7 year old tomorrow afternoon and bringing him home with me to spend the night. We are going to do the Easter egg coloring thing together Friday before I take him home. (No, Brandy - you never get out of it!!) Promised him last week when I was babysitting and he asked to come home with me I would get him this weekend, as Darrel and I both had to work last weekend. Besides, I don't think his mother really wanted to do the egg thing, which I can't blame her with the 1 and 2 year olds from hell to contend with, too. Then Friday night Darrel and I are meeting his boss and about 20 other "big wigs" for dinner. Thought about going in bib over-alls, work boots, and greased back hair, but I'm pretty sure I'd just get left at home.
Saturday I am going to a huge auction - yes, Brandy - an auction. I'm going to start doing some more eBay and dreading the thought of it. But, hey - have to pay this huge IRS bill somehow. All this is just to say I probably won't get time to ramble this weekend.

Does anyone know if there was a full moon last night?? Worked at the bar (as I do every Tuesday) and I swear there were more drunks than I've ever seen in one room. (Not to mention I think I saw a werewolf or two.) Was there extra late (we wouldn't want to deprive the drunks of "one more beer") and Carol set a new bar record for tacos cooked (Tuesday night is 50 cent taco night at her bar) at 251 from 4-9p.m. (At least the werewolfs were hungry for tacos and not human meat - although there were a couple of drunks who were, but we won't go there.)
Spent today unloading and spreading river rock in what has now become my new "rock garden" (have decided weeding all summer is the shits and not real easy with the arthritic hands anymore) and this brings the sum total of rock I've unloaded and spread to 1500 pounds in the last month. I've decided that's enough, even if it isn't. Also unloaded and placed a cool old antique cast iron wood stove I found discarded in the trees at the back of the property behind my sister's bar last night. (Can anyone say "hernia"?) Looks good but will be even better if I ever get around to planting flower in and on it. (I'm the Queen of Unfinished Projects.)
If it's any consolation, Brandy, I spend part of every day picking up trash, limbs, bark, and cow patties out of the front yard. Not as exotic as used cue-tips, but interesting in their own way. Don't know why Darrel's dog feels the need to scavage and then drop it all in the front yard, but it seems to be a habit I can't break him of. I'm not complaining though, because at least he goes out to one of the pastures to crap and after Digger (I felt lucky if he made it out the door the last year) that's a relief. Darrel's "herd" is now up to 3 one-year-old calves and one Momma cow and her baby. The are cute, but I feel no need to have them and their "droppings" just give Keegan (the dog) one more thing to drag into the yard. Mind you now, he doesn't chew any of this stuff - just brings it to the yard and drops it. And even after 4 year here and hauling truck loads of trash away that the previous owner left everywhere, he still manages to unearth disgusting treasures.
Mishy, I think our philosophies about men and relationships are pretty much the same thing, in different words. Shit that meshes - assholes in ways you can live with. Same difference. I am so thrilled for you about all your exciting plans and absolutely green with envy. Did Brandy mention that it's a package deal? If she comes to cook, I'll come to clean. Don't cook, but I'm a compulsive cleaner. (Not that most days you would know that by looking at my house.) Am also a grade-A organizer (of other people's shit, not my own). Also, hubby has a karaoke machine and about 100 cdgs I got him for his birthday a couple of years ago and I will bring them with me. (That's called a "bribe".)
B - will get on this week and get something for Apie's shower from Sears - do you want me to get a gift and have it sent to your house and just do the gift certifcate thing so she can get something she needs and may not get at the shower? (God, I love internet shopping!!!)
Brandy and Mishy obviously have too much time on their hands, as how do you ever find all these sites? Of course, as I said before, I can't stand being at the computer, so that may be why I never have anything to contribute.
Going to pick up the 7 year old tomorrow and bring him home with me for the night. We are dong the Easter egg coloring thing together before I take him home Friday. (See, Brandy - it never ends - you get to do this crap for the rest of your life.) But, he wanted to come home with me last weekend and Darrel and I both had to work Saturday, so I promised he could come this weekend. Besides, I don't think his mother really wanted to do the egg thing, as she has the 1 and the 2 year olds from hell to contend with, too.


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