Tuesday, April 06, 2004

I have survived the first of the month yet again

Donas right, I am about ready to faint, all of you have been so good lately. And I of course have been bad, haven't even managed to finish my rant but I am not in the mood today so I guess it will have to wait. Haven't been here lately because at the 1st of every month all of my payments for storage units come due and I do nothing but take others peoples money and charge them late fees and lock their doors , suspend their codes and get whined at when they tell me I didn't tell them the payment was due the first. This could be possible I suppose if I didn't have to read the entire lease to each and every one of them complete with circles and checkmarks on the appropriate documents that go home with them to remind them. Then we spend 4-6th unlocking their doors and unsuspending them so they can play with their stuff again. I don't really mind that their late, I am probably the softest hearted collection agent in the world, but luckily for the company I don't make the rules so I just blame it on my boss and take their money. Have started a new email reminder list in hopes that maybe more of them will remember on time and I won't have to do so much locking and unlocking not to mention the late letters which go out the 10th. Haven't actually received permission to do this yet but I figure it costs the company nothing but my time which they are already paying for and I finally figured out out to hide the recipient addresses so there are no privacy issues involved. I figure the email will be short and sweet. Hi how are ya doing and remember your rent is due the 1st. Hope it works.
( And you all thought your life was boring.)
All in all I like the job but to do it right takes more hours than what they pay for, I don't really care about that though because I would rather do it right and get excellent references if I decide to go somewhere else. Always have had this thing for good reference letters. BTW, I never got one from you Shirley. But I got to keep your brother so I suppose I would call it even. Besides there are not that many people who will pay me to work out of my house and while the first week is really hectic the rest of the month is pretty mellow. I want to win the Caller times best of award for mini storage so Melisa and Lydia I expect you to fill out lots of forms and mail them in for me this year.:o)
The idiot of the month awards at my humble storage unit goes to two people this month and neither are my customers. One accidently locked his cat in his storage for 5 days. Cat survived, but really. The other who get the asshole award was this idiot driving down McArdle while I was picking trash off the street. Corpus Christi could be a lot nicer place to live if the drunks would stay home and drink and if the people did not think that any local street or sidewalk was their own personal trash can. Anyways I am walking down the sidewalk picking up the days supply of beer bottles and whataburger crap when this guy driving by honks his horn and throws a hamburger wrapper out the window at me. Les says I should have thrown a rock back and others have suggested maybe using a gun but I was so stunned I just stared and then picked up his trash. Trash has become a big part of my life and I am now paying back the Karma for every cigarette butt I have ever dropped on the ground anywhere in my life. I never noticed parking lots before I got this job now I have just happy that mine is cleaner than just about anybody elses in town. You notice things more when you are forced to clean them up. I mean have you ever really looked at a Wal Mart parking lot. Not a pretty sight but it does seem to prove that most people, here at least are pigs and have no respect for their surroundings.
Speaking of trash is there some new drug out there that uses cue tips becaue I find more used cue-tips lying around than I have ever used in my life, Can you say Oooh Gross.

Some blog notes: right after this post I am posting the link to blog this button again for Mishy (everyone needs one of these) I will try and get a permanent link up soon but it may be the 10th before I have time and then my mother is flying in on the 16th and Aprils Baby shower is the 18th, you are all invited. I have invitations made but have not yet mailed. Lydia this would be a good excuse to get out of the house and you can bring Rranger because we wouldn't want you to suffer from any of those annoying breast pump sex toy situations. Will not have margaritas but we will have punch and cake etc.... Please come I need reinforcements of people that I will actually know and so does April. Looking for a cheap present is easy because she really has nothing so even crib sheets and blankets are a good deal.

I still need short bios to post for Shirley and Melisa (unless you really don't want one) If you don't give me something to work with I will make them up. I know you both well enough to do this as I did for Mishy and Dona, so let me know if you want or don't and if you want to do it or you just want to see what I would write. > : >) Could be fun

I an incredibly happy that you are all participating, thanks for being my blog partners.
Love ya all and blog at ya later.

PS Now I am really jealous Mishy Belize and China, I am hope you become rich and famous and can afford for me to come live with and cook for you.

PPS: Melisa, Being a bitch was always one of your best points you just don't do it often enough, But Practice makes perfect and it is such a fun thing to practice.


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