Sunday, April 11, 2004

Its not that you weren't missed

Just that if you noticed I haven't had time to write or bitch, besides you have 4 kids we would expect that there are days you won't make it to the blog. Hopefully Kelly will find something closer to home maybe at one of the refineries. Just watching gas pressures in a room here pays 12-15 bucks an with awesome benefits. Tried to get Les into at one time but he did not have the specific experience. I know he wouldrather do something completely different but at least it would be on shore and he would have more time for other endeavers.

I did not color eggs this year, havent' for a few years. Don't really miss it but I am sure I will be doing it again soon with Miss Emily. Holidays in my family were always extravigant affairs. My favorite part of Easter was always the eggs and candy, it was those annual Easter Brunches at the Biltmore in Phoenix with it ceiling covered in a slod coating of gold leaf. When I was a youngun I used to imagine the enormous wealth tht lay just above my head and it gave me a pleasant cinderella feeling for the day. All dressed up and somewhere to go. Also the food was wonderful. All you can eat when you are still young enough to actually eat it all. Banquet table filled with every type of food imaginable. A truly bountiful feast. And don't forget the champagne. My family was never big on drinking but holidays and family dinners always had good wine or champagne and all the children were allowed a small glass (in a real wineglass), There was only rarely someone drunk, It was a celebration of all things fine and I am glad that my family included the children to such degree in these, It left behind a residue in my spirit of more genteel times were manners and grace were intrisic parts of life.

There have been times in my life when I have disliked my mothers extremes on holidays as I grew into a bratty teenager they took to much time and were too elaborate and seemed to grate agaiust the teenage grain of simplicity and leave me alone. As a young mother she was an impossible force to live up to. I just never had the planning and decorating skills she so easily applies to everythng in her life. So I have finally come to a comfortable place in dealing with holidays. At home I do what I want and my wants are simple. Good food and family or just mornings of fuzzy silence to read and drink chocolate and blog upon. When I am with my mother I suffer the large gatherings of friends and family with a smile on my face knowing that without her influence every few years I might drift away from humanity all together and live in my fuzzy silent chocolate womb.

Happy Easter to all, Daughter just Imsd that she is on her way over for breakfast, The fuzzy silence was nice while it lasted


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