Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Baby friend, artist, and capable of paying a bill!

Ah little ones... They grow so gradually before our very eyes that some times we hardly notice as they morphe into new versions of themselves. Until we look back upon a photo and note the changes. My little Ranger appears to me like a giant next to Emily Marie and he feels so heavy too! Just a wisp of a girl that one is. I watched April in that half awake post natal state and I started to wonder if she is as clue less as I was when I had Lindy. Brandy is her mother so odds are on no she isn't. Took a peek at Em's blog and don't I feel special. No thanks required but free babysitting is always welcome and appreciated. I haven't been any where with Kelly without Ranger since before he was born. I love Mishy's tile so much in fact that I was inspired to mosaic tile an old wood coffee table. The kids helped, even Kelly II helped by removing my tile pieces and strategically placing them in positions that were more aesthetically pleasing to his three year old artistic senses (already more finely tuned than my own). It came out awesome, do notice my novice tiling mistakes but all in all it's quite lovely. I wouldn't even care if every person that walked through the door exclaimed, "Oh my! That table is an abomination it ought to be burned". I would love it no less. Apparently my vanity spills over to my artistic creations because I keep looking at my refurbished piece thinking that I made this and it is so cool. I wish that I could find my cheesy twenty dollar takes bad pictures digital camera so that I could show the world how easily amused I am. Kelly forgot to pay the bill and I suffered without internet access for nearly twenty four hours. Such a travesty and injustice. I actually had to go and pay the bill myself. Please no one tell Kelly that I am capable of such things. He will truly be astounded by the feats that are within my capabilities. I tricked Kelly into frying an egg for himself last week and he also used the microwave by himself. What is happening to us! I blame it all on the Gay and Lesbian community. No I take that back I blame everything on Brandy. I have survived the first half of the two week stretch without Kelly. I have no one to bitch at me for the deplorable level of filth and am finding it harder to muck up children's stalls without such motivation. Also children are being purposely more gross than usual because as they say when the cats away the mice will play.


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