Wednesday, May 19, 2004

More Lydia Dribble

I feel so ignorant when it comes to this loan officer thing. I don't know what the heck I'm doing. Just hoping that someone will show me the ropes. Won't be Kelly, he's too busy and he doesn't even have the slightest inclination to. He was filling out a loan application for a refinance for us the other day and the man didn't even want to take the time to walk me through it. So I get a real lead today and go into the office and no one is there and my vast ability and experience qualifies me to read a credit report but that's about it. I preapproved my prospect easy enough it was a no brainer but then the realtor who is also a relative calls for some more info and I am like Du huh? Oh sure I can do that. (More later on why you really should not do this kind of business with relatives). In any case I could not do that because the lap top that they gave me was not equipped with the necessary program for the task or it could be that I am too much of computer illiterate monkey brain that I couldn't figure it out. (No offense to monkeys intended) Just in case any monkeys can read and are actually reading this. Not that I would presume that a reading monkey would be interested in my prose but then again you never know. The only thing about this business that interests me is making money and I'm really not that interested in money especially when I probably would be frowned upon for spending it the way I deem fit. So unmotivated I am. I want to make money for dancing naked with paint all over my body. Do you think I can get a grant for that? I read somewhere that an artist (in California I believe) received a fine arts related grant for her repertoire that included the smearing of chocolate sauce on her bare breasts. Eating naked, I could do that too. Cooking naked, too dangerous. I deep fried egg rolls topless. I'll never do that again. I should run a match making service...

Tom (not his real name) could be my first client.
Positive Qualities (in no particular order)

Sexy phone voice
Recent college grad
Full time job (makes good money)
New car
No debt
Good credit score
Handsome bank account balance
No kids
Will soon own his first home
3 bedroom 2 bath 2 car garage (in good neighborhood)

He's a catch ladies. Any takers? Melisa? April?

I could call it gold diggers or something equally as hideous. Actually I think that buying some sort of a warehouse and turning it into an studio\gallery would be so ultra cool. I ran it by Kelly and apparently the scheme was not hair brained enough for him because he didn't seem to get too excited he just said, " I don't think that there are enough artists here to support that." He said it very flat and monotone like. I don't know if I've mentioned this but I am my own most enthusiastic supporter. Kelly is gone for two weeks. I hope that the house is still standing when he returns. I will be doing some much needed cleaning momentarily that is unless I get distracted by something else.


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