Sunday, May 02, 2004

Ok I'm Mad!

I'm not foaming at the mouth or anything but mad none the less. Kelly just does not care about things that do not directly affect him. Simple as that. The police bill idea was very funny. I was feeling pretty shitty after I tried to get Kelly in the mood and he told me to leave him alone. Lack of sex is really making me bitchy. Never thought of myself as bitchy before. I felt like crying. I started thinking about it and I think that it has only been on very rare occasions that I have ever been able to initiate any romance with Kelly. This might be a control issue for him. I'll try to pay closer attention to this one. I'll give him a couple of weeks to fix the door handles after which I will figure it out for myself. I might not even wait a few weeks. I'm going to call some junk yards and see if I can procure some for myself. I am not a helpless female but I would sure enjoy a little chivalry.


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