Saturday, May 29, 2004

VanHelsing - Maybe I expected too much

Went to see Van Helsing on Wednesday. Have been waiting months for the movie to come out and then to go off pass restrictions so I could use movie coupons to go see it. It wasn't bad but I have become spoiled by movies that were better. This last year has seen several movies done with this type of atmosphere. The Old movie hype, bigger than real acting. The top three that come to mind for me are: League of extraordinary Gentlemen, HellBoy & Van Helsing. Of the 3 League is by far my favorite, everybody should watch it especially kids or maybe make it mandatory in School English. I loved Hellboy, but Van Helsing while good with spectacular sets, lots of action and atmosphere just left me saying they could have done it better. I understand that some of the corniness was put in to maintain the old line style and I admit seeing the cow tossed through the second story window of the farmhouse was cool. But seeing it standing up inside the house after the fight was over was too much and not remotely believable. Like the director desperate to make it funnier or something kept going one step over the line from good to just stupid. In its defense Beckinsale is gorgeous in her leather corset (I want that outfit & the body to wear it) The lady vampires were great and the morphs between looking like humans and harpies were beautifully done. They were probably my favorite part of the show. Over all it gets 3 1/2 Stars out of 5


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