Thursday, July 22, 2004

Goodbye Rainbow Kitty

Sad news today, my little Rainbow kitty passed into the next realm. I was looking around the house for her and saw her asleep (or so I thought) in the litter box. I took her out and she was quite limp and meowing and gasping for air. I stared at her for a moment in disbelief and then I grabbed a new book of checks because I did not know where the checkbook was off hand and dashed out the door with little fragile body in my hand.  I took her to my usual vet clinic who I have always considered miracle workers. I get her there and my usual vet  Dave is not in. Instead rainbow kitty got to see Dr hardened no feelings man who said that she was trying to die and that it would be a waste of money to treat her. I recalled a time when I brought a catatonic limp kitten there to be euthanized and Dave asked me to please give her a chance. He gave him subcutaneous fluids vitamins and antibiotics and the kitten made a full and speedy recovery.  I said that she was depending on me to care for her and that she deserved a chance. So she got the fluids and the antibiotics and of course she died on the way home. Evidently she had been ill for some time and I feel negligent because I should have realized this and took her in as soon as she was left in my charge. Stupid Lydia thought it would be special if I waited til Friday when Blaze got  here so that we could take her to the Vet for her check up and first shots together. Some times I could just kick myself in the ass. So I'm home feeling somewhat depressed because my son's birthday kitten is gone and now I'm going to have to break this news to him. He needs no lessons on dying and the circle of life as he has experienced these things sufficiently  for his short six years. I considered going out and trying to find a similar kitten and trying to pass it off as Rainbow but Kelly says that we should never lie to our children. After Kelly gave me time to mourn ( a few hours ) he scolded me for having the cat treated after the vet said that it was a waste. He also was quite annoyed that I wrote an out of sequence check. I wanted to call him a cheap annal bastard but I did not.


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