Tuesday, July 20, 2004

As always I am suppose to be doing something profitable with my time. At the moment I am suppose to be researching the owners of the vacant houses in our target areas so that I can mail letters to these people in hopes of getting them to sell us their run down real estate for a song. One can always hope that someone will bite or jump on this grand opportunity to rid themselves of their annoying property taxes that they are paying on decaying buildings that are doing nothing but causing an eyesore, bringing down property values for their neighbors and giving people a place to shoot drugs. of course my letter will say nothing of the sort. It will say Dear owner of nasty old place, I noticed that your dump is vacant. I am a greedy real estate investor and want to make a buck. Give me your place for free because you are not as smart as I am. Thank you and have a fantabulous day! I wanted it to be very personal and say that we would like to rehabilitate the property so that we can provide quality affordable housing to low income people but Kelly said nay. So basically it will say. I am interested in purchasing a home\apartment in such and such street area whatever. I noticed yours was vacant, if you would like to sell your property please call me at 1-800 my husband is tired of working off shore. Today is the Blazer man's big day. I made him a cheesecake with strawberries on top and also a strawberry cake with strawberry filling and strawberry icing. Tomorrow he will get his kitten! Thanks Brandy. I knew that I did not need another cat but Blaze does! He will be so thrilled. Lindy and Blaze are spending the month with their Dad but I will see them tonight. Today I will buy a big stupid bow to put on the kittens collar. This little cat is going to knock Blaze's socks off. Well it would if it were winter and he was actually wearing socks. Housepests are still here. I am so glad that the kids found  a place to crash and that Tessa will get to continue her education. I don't suggest that James join the army though. I would hate to see him die for no good reason. I am telepathically sending this message to James. JAMES do not join the Army. You will hate it. There are many better ways to serve your country. ARMY NO BAD BAD BAD IDEA! Of course my father and brother may read this and never speak to me again. They never spoke to me much to begin with. I was once in the Airforce (sort of). I will publish that story I promise. It is most hilarious and sad and directly leads me to the place I am at today so I am grateful for that.


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