Saturday, August 07, 2004

Nothing too interesting going on here. Lindy popped Blaze in the face with an army issue canteen that I bought at a garage sale and this required him to go the ER and get stitched. It took (this is no lie!) four people two of which were large grown men to hold him down. Many comments were made about his awesome strength. What can I say the kid really despises needles. I think Lindy is moving into pre-adolescence. My Blazey Blazercat kitten is still sick. Won't give you the particulars on that one but I'm sure you can imagine the things that I have had to clean up around here lately. I broke my diet and ate three pieces of garlic bread and a stale crispy bar . Did not even know that icecream could go bad but apparently it happens. I'm not sure I'm over the strep throat. I gave it to Ranger and Lindy also. We discovered that Ranger is allergic to penicillin and that was frightening. He woke up with swollen hard lumps on his body. Now he is taking a new antibiotic and benedryl as well. Kelly found some new tenants today for one of the houses so it is now one down one to go. Some younguns actually they are around my age. I feel old today. I feel old and boring. My family is sucking the life out of me. I am everybody's napkin. The good news is that Kelly brought them over here to fill out their application and I was embarrassed about the unusually even grosser than usual state of mi casa. Turns out these kids clean houses for cash so they are coming over on Tuesday supposedly to clean the house from top to bottom. We shall see... I accepted the Stephanie Plum books from Brandy just to be polite. Trying to be gracious as I have not been in the past. I am so glad that I took them! I have read four so far and they have been fun. I guess I'll trust Brandy in the future. Okay, I've accepted the fact that my only adventures will be the ones that I share with Stephanie Plum. Like I said I'm feeling ancient yet not wise at the moment. May go out and finally buy some new clothes. Some pretty bras and panties. Some clothes that actually fit the way that I like. All the clothes that I have range from way too tight pre-Ranger to way grossly large post Ranger. Maybe I"I'll start wearing make up again. I feel ugly and OLD. No I don't feel old, I just feel tired. Tired like I could sleep for a week. I miss my mother, I should have been nicer to her and then maybe she would not have disowned me and then she would come and visit me and clean my house. Okay I really don't miss my mother but I do miss help with the house work. Brandy tell me how to send an invite, I would like to send one to one of our tenants. I do not know much about her but I would like to. Her name is Debrah and she is fortyish and married to a man that looks a lot like my stepfather in his slightly younger days. They are well spoken and seem very nice. It would like it very much if she would write with us. Maybe she will just lurk around and read about our lives. I think that we are at the very least good for entertainment value. When she gets in a fight with her husband Bill she could make him read the blog and say something to him like, "You could be married to one of these women, you should be grateful you have me."


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