Monday, August 30, 2004

Wound Up

Giving myself fifteen minutes to whip out a blog. I need to blog for my sanity. Hey it is cheaper than therapy, and the counselor doesn't give nearly as interesting or useful feedback. I feel tightly wound. I woke up at 7:30 am this morning, apparently I unconsciously turned off the alarm. This was not good the kids would have been about an hour late for school but oh no I had to lose my keys also. What a morning. I felt like a failure as a mother. Cristal did call to work on the mural but unfortunately I had to tell her I had a standing date with the laundry. Erin called and I made a lunch date with her for I thought next Tuesday. Then I remembered that tomorrow was Tuesday so now I'm wondering if it is tomorrow. Which won't work because I have the wee Nolens, I could take them with me but I think that Erin wants to visit a client afterwards and that would not be appropriate. I called Erin yesterday to volunteer because this is what I do whenever I'm feeling particularly self involved. I find that it helps to take the focus off Lydia's little world. I'm such a whiner, I've got a lot of good things going on. I am so blessed. I've got a really weird story for everyone, I may save it for Halloween. It's a bit bizarre, it involves Shawna also aka pig thief, and the law. Nothing to do with the pig incident. Did involve a phone call to the a homicide detective made by Lydia law abiding citizen extraordinaire. Your just going to have to be in suspense for that one. Posted my first eviction notice recently luckily it was not for one of my tenants. That's a story in itself, and will take more than the few minutes that I have for this hurried blog. These blogs of mine are doing nothing to benefit or improve society. About a dozen blogs back Dona asked about how to get little ones to stay in bed. I sleep with my two youngest (ages almost 10 months and 3 years) most of the time. When Kelly is here little Kel sleeps in his own bed but he still gets up sometimes, it is a minimal nuisance. So the answer is.. I don't have one. Big help I am. Thats all folks.


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