Friday, October 08, 2004

Another Day another Debate

Enjoyed tonights debate. I prefer the town hall idea even if it does still seem a bit rigged in places. Questions were well varied and both candidates did fairly well. Bush showed a marked improvement in debating style since the last debate. He managed complete non-repetitive sentences for most of the debate.

The scariest words to me tht came out of his mouth were
"And so, I don't think the Patriot Act abridges your rights at all." In response to a citizens concern about violations of the 4th ammendment. I think it would almost be better to know that he is just flat out lying and doesn't care than to think he actually believes this.

Rather to high amped makes him look worried and the man has no chin but he bobs his head up and down like a banty rooster trying to stick that chin out and looking authoritative but he just looks like he pecking for worms.

Strange hearing both presidents lobby that they will be the ones to bring us cheaper drugs. Who says the sixty's generation gave up their habits. America the land of drugs.

Kerry by far still a much smoother debater also helped by the fact that he is taller, better looking and has some the whitest teeth I have ever seen. Plus he has a chin, these items alone boost his ratings particularly in a debate where he can move around looking tall and presidential. But I was noticing as they were showing several pic of the back of his head that his hair is so shellaced that it looks like the gray snap on hair that comes on young children's action figures.

The thing I was most tired of lisening to is "I have a Plan" Find a thesaurus and pick a different phrase. I am not into sound bites I don't need to hear the same thing repeated over and over again.

He also needs to drop the stupid quote over the iraq spending bill.

"I made a mistake in the way I talk about it. He made a mistake in invading Iraq. Which is a worse decision?"

This has sounded clumsy everytime he has used it. Like something someone else thought up but that Kerry was not comforatble with. I don't see why it is any different than the large supply of bushism we have to help us laugh at night.
Find some simple way to negate it and ignore it from then on. IF you have a specific reason for not voting for the bill such as it had provisions that were bad say and move on.

Still voting for Kerry - Still scared for the world in general and still proud to be an American


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