I'm thinking upon it. (And taking drugs.)
After wishing for death for several days, my sister finally convinced me to call the doctor back. Doctor called in several new prescriptions for me and told me if I wasn't better by this a.m. that I was going in the hospital to be put on i.v. antibiotics. Since in my experience people who go into hospitals ocassionally don't come out, I have been a good girl, taking my new massive quantities of drugs and thinking upon getting well. It seems to be working, as while I'm not "well," I'm much better and can honestly tell the Dr. when she calls today that she can give my bed to someone else.
While nothing has been accomplished around here since my return, (imagine what my house must look like after leaving hubby alone for a week, followed by the 3 demon seed children being here for a weekend while I hid out in the bedroom, unable to follow them around with a trash bag and vacuum cleaner), I have read 3 books in 3 days. A novel and two "academic" studies of Stephen King's works. Don't ask why anyone would read these last 2 items - I'm just weird, or maybe I can blame it on the raging fevers.
I love the mural, and am more determined to kidnap Cristal and make her my mural slave.
I feel for Mish. Been there, done that, have the tee shirt. Being an idiot, I didn't seek professional advice and now, 15 years later, I'm still ocassionally blind sided by some piece of mail that informs me I have to pay some old debt of my ex-husband's.
B - I have to say that when I saw your link to the Downy site, I felt the cosmos slip a notch, tilted my head, and thought, "What's wrong with the world?" This was definitely NOT Brandy! Now I understand - turning 40 does strange things to us. I'm closer to 50 now and wonder what strange sort of turn my personality will take when that monumental event arrives.
We've spent the last few evenings going outside to "admire" the newest additions to Darrel's herd. While I was away, he purchased 3 more cows, each with her own little calf. They are cute, but I'm beginning to see a pattern - Darrel doesn't like when I go away, and I think this is a plot to keep me at home so he doesn't go spend thousands of dollars to make himself feel better. I suppose there are worse habits he could have.
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