Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Actually mohawk boy is not a fictional character. I doubt that I'm his type though. With the exception of the lack of sleep thing which is a fairly recent development everything is the same. Some things may seem better or worse but really nothing changes around here. I'm convinced that my husband is somehow operating under the delusion that he would be better off without me because I can see no other reason for his insano behavior O66. I'm playing bingo with the kids N39. I28 N44 O64 it seems that I27 everything in life that does not go his way N32 is somehow N43 because of something I did or did not do. G56 Today for instance he could not I26 find the keys to the houses O64 so he of course thoroughly chastised me for being so careless as to lose them. He threw a I25 a full blown man baby tantrum complete with yelling and throwing things N34. B11 O75 B15 G58 I26. Obviously I took too long to write this ranting blog because by now enough time has passed and I am once again very much in love with the man child that is my husband. Cristal gave me a book to read today and very soon I may be able to own and operate my very own man. Well after I found the keys in a place that he had left them, suddenly these keys that were the most important thing in the world at the time of the tantrum suddenly meant exactly nothing. Which was pretty much a little less than what I thought they meant in the first place but I was expecting some praise maybe even kisses for finding them. Especially for finding them and not saying, "Looky here you big dope, I didn't lose them after all." I will try to write more. I have been busy living and feeling sorry for myself for no reason in particular. I know that I have so many good things going on. Sometimes I just get in such a slump being the overworked and underpaid domestic Goddess that I am.


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