Suffering outrage fatigue since Jan. 20, 2001 - The Arrogant Academic (in training)
Suffering outrage fatigue since Jan. 20, 2001 - The Arrogant Academic (in training): "Vote Bush!
Swiped from a poster at
Why I’m Voting for President Bush
The President is a forthright man who not only knows what is good for America, but is willing to stand up, lie, cheat, steal, and send others to die to get it. He is a man who will keep our tax money out of the hands of the undeserving poor and ensure it goes into the coffers of our most valued citizens, the ownership class, where it belongs.
We need the war in Iraq in order to ensure the prosperity of loyal corporations like Halliburton. Only President Bush has the courage and vision necessary to prosecute this war to the end and then go on to Iran, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan and even all of South America until at last we own the oilfields of the world.
Only President Bush has the wisdom to pursue a policy of lowering taxes for the most deserving while building a trillion-dollar national debt that will forever bind the natural servant class in fealty to their rightful masters. A major, if unheralded, benefit that arises from transferring money directly from the public coffers into the accounts of the most deserving corporations is that it eliminates forever the temptation to divert these funds into wasteful enterprises such as public education and health care.
Public education is worse than wasteful. It is genuinely counterproductive to educate people beyond the specific skills they need for employment. Education is notorious for turning its recipients into malcontents who become resentful of their lot in life and may even refuse to conduct themselves in accordance of the needs and wishes of their owners.
Likewise, health care is a wasteful expense when squandered on the useless eaters, with the sole exception that a certain number of particularly healthy specimens from among the worthless classes may be selected for organ donation to their betters, and maintained in good health until their time comes for harvesting.
The President needs four more years to complete his work of converting America into a paradise for its rightful owners. It is with this glorious vision in my head that I proudly prepare to cast my vote for George W. Bush.
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