Lydia's Answers
1. What time is it? 6:27 PM
2. Name: Before Age 13 - Lydia Ann-Marie
3. Nickname: none! A few people tried to call me Lid but I put a stop to that. Kelly calls me sweetheart. Which is kind of corny but I don't mind.
4. Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 29.
Birth Date: November 26
6. Pets: 2 cats (Iris and Blaze) 1 dog (Rebel Weenie) 1 fish (Purple Nemo)
7. hair color: Very dark brown.
8. Piercing: Ears
9. Eye color: Brown
10. How much do you love your job? It could be worse.
11. Current Residence: Corpus Christi
12. Been to Africa? No but I'd go in a heartbeat...I love to travel.
13. Been toilet papering? Yes twice in junior high, once at a slumber party and once with my little bro (we even threw eggs at the house!)
14. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes
15. Been in a car accident? fender benders (not my fault though!)
16. Croutons or bacon bits? real bacon bits
17. Favorite Day of the Week: every day
18. Favorite Restaurant: The Lagerhaus in Darmstadt Germany
19. Favorite Flower: Stargazers and other sweet strong smelling flowers
20. Favorite Drink: Ice Coffee
21. Favorite sport to watch: None
22. Favorite ice cream: An old 31 flavors flavor Daiquiri Ice
23. Disney or Warner Bros.? I do have a Winnie the Pooh tattoo!
24. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Any Good take out chinese
25. What Color is Your Bedroom? Washed Khaki with Autumn Oak trim.
26. How many times did you fail your drivers test? 2 First time I was so anxious I had to stop to puke. Second time failure to yield.
27. Before this one, whom did you get your last email? Cristal
28. Which store would you choose to max out your
credit card in? Don't know.
29. What do you do most often when you are bored? I have four kids and no time to be bored! Write, read, fantasize.
30. Most annoying thing people ask you? Why do you talk that way? Are you wearing a retainer? What did you do with my __________ (Insert anything there)
33. Favorite TV show (s): none When the Anna Nicole Smith show was on I use to watch that (I thought it was funny) I really got made fun of for that one.
34. Last person you went out to dinner with: Kelly, Kelly 2 and the Rangy Roo.
35. Ford or Chevy? Chevy
36. Time you finished this e-mail?6:47
37. Place you want to visit most? Don't know. Would like to take a cruise to Alaska.
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