Friday, October 22, 2004

Yet Another Thing in Life I do Not Understand

CBS News | Fan Dies In Sox Celebration Melee | October 22, 2004�08:37:58: "A college student celebrating the Red Sox come-from-behind victory over the New York Yankees was killed after a police officer called in to control the rowdy crowd shot her in the eye with what was designed to be a non-lethal projectile.

Fifteen other people, including a police officer, suffered minor injuries in Boston's Kenmore Square neighborhood early Thursday, after thousands of baseball fans spilled onto the streets near Fenway Park to celebrate the Red Sox winning the American League pennant at Yankee Stadium. "

Okay so you like sports and your team won, that doesn't mean lets go out and trash the the city, I just don't get it. It is a sad thing that the girl died and being killed by a rubber bullet is certainly something of a freak accident. But for Gods sake why were these people out there.

I don't understand drunk and disorderly. I don't understand why if your team wins there is this sudden need of the drunken crowd to set things on fire throw things through windows and in general act like throw backs to Neanderthals. OKay that might be an insult to Neanderthals.

Menino said he was considering prohibiting liquor sales and asking bar and restaurant operators to ban live television coverage during games to curb the rowdiness. "Since people won't accept responsibility, I, as mayor, will take it into my own hands," Menino said Thursday.

Please do take it into your own hands because America is certainy not willing to. And I hate restaurants that show sports games and other idiot shows on tv while I am eating anyway.

Never understood the new fad - Lets see I am going to pay 50.00 or more for this meal, in this lovely place, but Shit my table is next to the tv so I am surrounded by idiots who have to watch their game and the kids that idiot parents let walk around the restaurant unattached. I don't think so. That order will be to go or I just won't eat at your restaurant.

Dol't sell liquor at the games, get the tvs out of the restaurants, arrest and largely fine anyone involved.

Come on America lets teach our children to be civil, that rioting is bad even if they are happy when they do it. That destruction of property is bad no matter what the excuse. That fighting is bad unless you are fighting for your country or to save your family.

College students are too old to for this sort of thing. And again while I feel sorry for the girl that died. All of you who had children out there after the game being hooligans and all of you who participated are just as responsible for her death as the rubber bullet was.


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