Monday, October 04, 2004

a rewrite from this morning...

I wrote a blog this morning and lost it upon ‘Save as Draft’….so am attempting to recreate the gist…
Sorry to hear you are sick Dona, seems to be going around…Stef (love the nickname) caught some throat/sinus thing and is feeling miserable. He is a nice distraction but what with my financial stress, and our bizarre life situation, ‘getting to know each other’ is not always easy. I feel so close to him and very attached, but I have to remember we just met four months ago and both have lots to learn. I am trying not to freak out over the money thing, and have decided to go into the ‘minipot’ business. Have been making a few, and after Aliya claimed my first necklace pot, and I saw how cute it was, I decided, that is a low overhead, fun thing I can make and market and sell easily.
We head to NYC this weekend and I finally talked my cousin into putting a place setting in for Stef at the reception…upon my calling to beg (having been turned down via email), he agreed to squeeze him in, and informed me the reception catering is (cough) FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS a plate. So, take it from close-to-bankruptcy Mishy and waiting-for-Social-Security-disability Steffin, we will be out of our element. I was not looking forward to going without him, so I am relieved about that.
Well, I made eleven necklace minipots this morning (thrown off the hump), and cleaned in the studio, now going to shower and pick up Amory and Leesie at school, deliver Amory home to his dad’s and take Leesie skating. Hope Gary sends some money with her….


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