I've been fired!
I know I may have said something in the past about not using the blog to whine or complain about my life but Cristal has been in Florida for the last week so I'm afraid that I have no other choice. I've been fired. From what you might ask. This is really a good. I have been fired from the role of domestic Goddess because apparently I suck at it. I've been informed by the almighty King ruler of the household that I am to get a full time job ASAP. Put the kids in latchkey daycare whatever. My license and pass to be unemployed has been revoked. I am to shed the mommy role and become a functioning member of the workforce. I tried mentioning the fact that I tried this recently and it did not work but he thought that I was just being a whiny baby. This is for my own good you know. I've been sick with a migraine headache,and strep off and on for the last two months. In the past when I have been ill I would try to just get over it and not let it affect things too much. Well lately I've been really slowing down and trying to recoup so I have done little more than feed the children and get them ready for school in the morning. Yeah I've done even less than the bare minimum that I usually do. This has not gone unnoticed. So I'm off to look at the want AD's. Maybe I can lose some weight and get my old job back at the Palace. Wouldn't he just love that. I know that I would. Lets see $180 childcare for Ranger and Kelly plus another hundred for after school care for Lindy and Blaze. That's 280 right off the top assuming I don't work weekends add another 100 to that if I do. If I'm lucky I might find a full time job that will allow me to bring home 10 or fifteen dollars a week after taxes. Is this suppose to be my punishment for being a lousy housekeeper see if I ever wake up and make Kelly taquitos to take to work. I'm not fucking making coffee he can get his happy ass out of bed and turn off his own alarm clock and I'm not having sex with him either! When I did the book job which was way more than a full time job I was still expected to cook and clean and all that other crap. Now I know this is just some manipulation to try to get me to become more domestic. I'll think of more crap to add to this later.
Lydia - Print the "stay at home mom's salary" Brandy blogged and post it all over the house!!!
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