Sunday, July 03, 2005

Hypothetical situation, I need your input! (Please)

Hypothetical situation #1 Here's a hypothetical situation (people seem more likely to give their honest opinion if the situation is hypothetical). Let's say that your a man and you are married. You hire a contractor to do work for you in and out of your home. The contract laborer will frequently be in contact with your wife and family often when you are away. You know that this person has served time in prison (ten years) for crimes involving but not limited to threatening to kill people with a gun. You have a good feeling about this guy, so is there any reason for you to inform your wife? I mean you trust him so does she really need to know? Oh and the guy also has an Arian brotherhood tattoo on his arm and your wife is half mexican.


Blogger Mishy said...

Discussion is merited, in my opinion

10:07 AM  
Blogger Brandy said...

Is he nuts, or just looking for a cheaper way out than divorce

7:55 PM  

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