Letter to my brother in Iraq(email)
Hi Paul,
Did I ever mention to you that you are my favorite brother, well yeah you are my only brother but even if I had a few more you would still be my favorite. I enjoyed seeing you again even if it was under such rotten ciecumstances. Dad has been moved to rehabilitation now. He is walking with a walker and is learning to balance. They took the staples out of his head. He will be in the hospital for at least a few more weeks if everything goes well. I have been calling him every day. Really this is probably the most that Dad and I have ever talked. Good news my camera is still under waranty, I'm not going to mention the fact that I dropped it in the toilet. Here is a funny story for you. I took the whole brood to Krispie Kream doughnuts a few days ago. I don't know if they have those in Kansas but they are pretty yummy. Any way they have this large window there that you can look threw and see the doughnuts being made, fried, iced, etc. The kids love to watch the doughnuts, it is mesmerizing. They never want to leave. I gave them the 10 minute warning then the five then I said it's time to go. The kids asked if we could stay just a few more minutes because they wanted to see if this deformed doughnut would make it all the way to the frosting without getting pitched out. Well one milisecond before the frankenstein doughnut was about to get glazed it fell on the floor. Then little Kelly started crying and we all assumed it was because of the doughnut that fell on the floor. Well I tried to comfort Kelly over the loss of Frankendoughnut but he would not stop crying. It really was time to go as we had been in the shop for at least an hour. I tried to get Kelly's arm from in between the rail near the window and the wall so I could get him moving towards the car but his arm wouldn't budge and that's when I figured out that he was actually crying because his arm was stuck. After trying ubsuccessfully for several minutes to remove his little arm I cries uncle and asked Lindy tio get the store manager. I told Kelly not to worry to calm down and watch the doughnuts and that I would get him out. Well Lindy came back with an employee but not the manager. The employee took one look at Kelly and went and got the manager. Then the manager came and took a look and came back with a drill to remove the bar from the tile wall. Kelly sees the drill and hears the humming sound that it is making and starts to cry again. The screws aren't coming out. I ask for some oil but no one is listening to me and the manager has this laesuit look on his face. By this time lil Kel's arm is swollen and I'm considering calling the fire dept. Finally someone listens to me and brings a spray bottle of mineral oil that they use on the machines. A couple of squirts and he's free. His arm was a little irritated but he was relatively unscathed. The manager who's name is Don gives Kelly a t-shirt and coupons for three dozen doughnuts. He will also get his own personal tour. The tour was arranged by Lindy who suggested it to the manager. Lindy tried her best to get a free frozen mocha out of the deal but I would not let her have one. Well I hope that you enjoyed saga. I'll keep you posted. Stay safe and be careful. I love you and I am sorry I was so moody right before you left. I don't do too well with sleep deprivation. I actually started hallucinating later in the day. That was weird. I'll write about it later. I put the knife you gave me in my luggage and brought it home.
Love, ~Lydia
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