This ain't "See Spot Run . . . "
Brandy, as "God of the Blog" as she likes to call herself (please humour her or she will have her grandaughter cast a weather spell on my husband's family get-together next weekend and it will pour and I will have 30-40 people I can't stand crammed into my tiny 4 room house), has been so amused by the 3 dog stories, that she commanded me to actually blog the two in comments. Yes, I know she wanted them as two separate blogs and I am risking incurring her wrath by not doing so, but I am lazy (not to mention slightly drunk after 4 glasses of wine) and this technically "follows the order of the commandment" as she says, since all she said was, "Blog them both." (Light a candle for me.)
Cristal said: A companion book to this one could be,
Out On the prowl....A Dog gone good time. A well groomed and very loved Dog breaks out of his yard and goes prowling around the nieghborhood looking for bitches in heat with no regurd to his family or the little pups at home. He learns his lesson when he catches the mange from a common garbage eating dog and then losses all his fine blonde hair. The moral of the story is that if you fuck other bitches you'll get the mange.
Dona said: Top Dog was master of his pen and took full advantage of it. He commanded his mate, took other bitches at his whim, and even refused to hunt for his pack, feeling it was beneath him and the duty of his bitch and pups to serve his every need. After many years his bitch had had enough and went her own way, eventually finding a kinder, gentler, more loving mate. Many, many years later Top Dog was crossing a busy street when out of nowhere a Ford 250 4 door pick up ran him over. He was sure that when he glanced up with his quickly departing last ounce of energy he rec
ognized that bleached blond fur and casually elegant toss of ears behind the steering wheel as the pick up sped away. Moral of the story: If you are going to be an asshole to your mate, be sure the bitch can't drive.
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