Listen to YO Mama
Among the many pieces of advice that my mother has given me (some worthless), perhaps her best tid bit of wisdom was this. Don't pluck it, pull it bleach it, shave it, or wax it because it will only get worse. The, IT she was refferring to was the hair on my upper lip. Up until this point in my life I have followed her sage wisdom. Yesterday I went to get the ends of my hair trimmed and my eyebrows waxed because even though Bill Mahr might not care if I look like I'm walking around with two black caterpillars riding my face, I do. Bonnie, the nice lady that is kind enough to act as if she enjoys removing my body hair (she might actually) suggested that I wax my upper lip. I don't know why I didn't just say no like my mama taught me. Now I have red acne looking bumps, above my lip. Oh yeah that's way better than a little peach fuzz. A cold sore looking rash is so much sexier than a little hair NOT!
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